Thursday, July 14, 2011

Abby Wambach?! Who the hell is that?!

Now I have to admit it. I could give two shits about who wins the Espy awards every year. I have never been inclined to watch it and I can't imagine EVER being so inclined. BUT (you knew that was coming) I do feel compelled to discuss the awards show here today. I am going to refer to a certain Abby Wambach (spelling?) who plays soccer for the United States World Cup Soccer team. She scored a goal in the final few seconds yadda yadda yadda. While I'm sure women's soccer is a wonderful sport, and that Miss Abby is a lovely girl, there's no way in he'll and Gods green earth that THAT was the best play of the year. Hell Uconn stuffing WVU on the one yardline (and I'm a WVU fan) was a better play. Jeters homerun was better! Dsean Jacksons punt return was better. Troy Polamolus jumping over the entire defensive and offensive lines to crush that Titans QB that I can't remember who just retired was hells alot better. My point is ESPN has a stake. They televise men's and women's worldcup soccer. Have invested millions upon millions. After all of this they are getting mi imal returns despite what ESPN says. They created a buzz. People watched. It was boring. The us men's team blows so people aren't gonna get into it. Did I mention soccer is fucking boring? Anyway what better way to generate excitement for the upcoming final than create a controversy. Sports people are gonna be all up in arms. They're gonna watch the goal. I suspect this Abby chick is hot. They think they can sucker guys into watching just like suckers Guys into going to their website expecting to see Danica Patrick draped across the hood of a car only to be disappointed to find a domain seller. Poorly executed ESPN.


Blogger Bulletstopper said...

Well I have looked up the aforementioned Miss Wambach and have found her to be average hotness, although if the godaddy people can turn that nasty bitch Danica Patrick into a hottie I guess anything is possible. Good luck with your future career hocking Internet addresses!

6:16 AM  
Blogger Bulletstopper said...

Well I have downgraded Miss Wambach yet again. She's been relegated to semi attractive lesbian status. Just a step above Butch. Matters little. That Hope Solo now there's a girl of above average, but still annoying because she's all jocked up, attractive! Sorry girls. It really wouldn't matter how hot you were soccer would still suck. I don't watch lingere league football either.

1:51 PM  

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