Friday, July 29, 2011

Fire their asses!

I have waited a long time to weigh in on the debt ceiling crisis. The reason for this is mostly that I didn't believe these morons would push this as far as they have. They have somehow figured out how to fuck up a system that has been working fine for over 200 years. The cornerstone of this system is compromise. These assholes won't compromise on anything! You look at any great accomplishment of mankind. It's full of people working together to reach a common goal. You can't work together if one person has to have their way all the fuckin time. I know this and I'm just some dumb fuck from West Virginia! These people have sheepskins long as my arm and they can't figure this out?! Pull your heads out of your asses and get the countries business done! If these idiots can't get it done. If they can't get the job that we sent them there to do done, then they should take each and everyone of these fucks out of office and replace them with someone that isn't afraid to put the good of the country first! Ahead of whatever dickhead that's writing them a donation check.


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