Thursday, July 14, 2011

Senator Lori Klein of Arizona! You ma'm are a fucking moron!

I hear about your little stunt. You carry a loaded pistol into the Arizona Senate every day. Big whoop. Number one the pistol you have is a piece of shit. A pink plastic piece of shit. The article I read says it has no safety and a laser sight?! Did you get it at a fuckin pawn shop? If you had any sense and was actually prepared to concealed carry you would have it secured in some kind of holster not just bouncing around in your purse. Noone would even know about it. And did you actually point a loaded gun at a reporters chest and tell them not to be afraid because your finger wasn't on the trigger? Supposedly your dad taught you firearms safety. Well if that's so he did a shitty job because the first thing a person is taught about firearms is you never point a gun at something you don't intend to kill. They are not cut little pink toys. They are deadly serious tools that can never be taken lightly. People like you make me sick. I can't carry a gun because of the state I live in but I am infinitely careful with fire arms. You act like your gun is part of your makeup case. Get some fucking respect senator. Respect for the deadly capacity of the piece of steel you flippantly carry in your purse, and respect for those around you. Those you are putting in danger with your carelessness.


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