Monday, June 21, 2004

Now Im Pissed.........again.

This weekend was my big camping trip. Some old friends were comming from out of town to camp with me and my wife and some of our local friends. He was going to bring his friends from Baltimore to camp too. No biggie. I paid for the keg, the campsite, and some other incidentals. Came up to a little over a hundredsixty bucks. Thats kind of a biggie since we don't have any money but hey these are my friends and they will gladly chip in right? Wrong. I'm not too pissed about that due to the fact that his friends bought food and stuff. Only thing bad about that is that they didn't bring a whole lot of food. Some peanuts, potatoes, dozen eggs, two packs of bacon, 5 lbs of hamburger, pigs feet (noone ate the damn things) and a few steaks that didn't go very far when you consider that there were 10 or so people there. All together I'd say those 6 people contributed about 70 or 80 dollars toward food. Well fuck all that anyway. What pisses me off is that the people he brought from Baltimore were fuckin assholes. One dude bitching to me, actually yelling at me because I put a platic cup in the fire. Well for one thing its my fucking campsite. I paid for the mother fucker its mine. Another thing is if you ask me nicely I would gladly grant your wish. I clenched my fist and bit my tongue. This was after all one of my good friends good buddies. These fuckers from Baltimore got something wrong with them. One thing is they think that just because they read all the camping books and go camping 4 or 5 times a year they have the right to preach to you about the wilderness. Well buddy I really don't give a shit if a plastic cup puts cfcs into the fuckin Ozone or whatever. I really don't know what he was bent about but he nearly got told to learn some fuckin respect. Second, some of them got really yanked out of shape because we were going to shoot guns at the range. I shoot as much as my schedule permits, which isn'
t much so Ill be damned if some stupid bitchs whining is going to stop me from doing something that I truly love. But she didn't talk to me pretty much the rest of the trip. The next day we got up and she and her boyfriend were gone without as much as a by your leave. Piss on her too. It makes me wonder how the hell my friends linked up with these types when they left the sticks and moved to the big city. Now I don't think I am better than they. But if they are going to come to my turf and hang out, I deserve to be treated with some common courtesy. Just because I live in the country, or at least in a rural area, does not mean that I am any less a person than they. Makes me really angry to be talked down to. And all the while I have to take it because my friends, whom I only see once or twice a year, are best friends with these yo-yos. It will probably never happen again but if it does I am not going to take their shit. If they get all pissed and never come up again so fuckin be it. But at least I will not have this feeling like I let some assholes walk all over me all weekend. Amen to that!


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