Monday, July 12, 2004

Nader Get the hell out of the race!

It was released today that a large chunk of Ralph Naders Campaign contributions have came from individuals that have also contributed large amounts to the Bush campaign. Hmmmmmm. Wonder if Nader gives a shit that his presence in the campaign could have contributed to the Iraq war. Because as you know if Nader had not been in the race, Gore would have won easily. Now they can say all they want but come on. Nader hates Bush and just about all he stands for. He's not too fond of Democrats but his ideals more closely resemble that of Democrats than GOP. So it's not too far of a jump to say that most of the 3 percent of the vote that Nader got would have went to Gore. Thus tilting close races in most of the borderline states to Gore. Bush then looses the Popular and the Electoral Vote. People can say what they want but Bush is a looser hands down if Nader isn't in this race. Nader has made it closer than it should be. This nation ,no matter what Hannity and the rest of the assholes in right wing radio and tv, is for the most part centrist and left wing. The right wing is hard core and has alot of money. Left wings got alot of money too but for some reason the right wing is just so hostile! They claim to play by the rules and be good guys but the campaign that Bush is running so far is mud mud mud. He and his people deny it and call Kerrys campaign pesimistic. All Kerry said is that Bush is going to be the first president since Hoover in the Depression to loose jobs from the economy. Unless of course the Economy gains 600000 jobs a month until Nov. Rosey as they paint everything we sat at a standstill economicly for over a year! Joblessness, deficit, unbridaled spending and taxcuts for the people that needed it least! Any good news is going to be better than what we had and the right is exploding each bit of good news they can to try and paint a blue skys kind of picture......just in time for the election! Now we hear that this administration is looking into the legality of postponeing the election.......... WHAT! Now they will say its all in being prepared for the worst but you can bet your ass that if there is a terror attack, no matter how small, they will postpone the election to allow for the bounce of America being paralyzed with fear. Bushs approval rating would go up to 90 percent again and Bush would be happy again. I personally think that the election goes on no matter what unless major catastrophes ensue. Im talking a 9/11 scale or greater. If a Madrid style bomb goes off no dice. They arent going to do anything on a day we expect anyway. Having Bush in office has been good to the Radical extremists of the world. It has recruited thousands into their fold. Hate for the US has never been higher. Thats a fact. So maybe we can expect another attack. Like in the dirty dozen where they shot the man trying to assasinate hitler because they knew if someone that knew what he was doing was in charge they war would last longer. Bush dont know what the hell hes doing so the terrorists like him. So who knows.


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