Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Support the president my ass

I was just sitting hear brooding about how much I hate George W. Bush. Watching Fahrenheit 9/11 and thinking about all the bullshit that I have heard from the right ever since the jackass Bush got elected. Some of the biggest things that chap my ass is the fact that people are saying that we should support our president so that our troops will feel love or supported or something. Ok. Now I was in the Navy during Somalia. I was in the Navy during terrorist attacks around the world. I was in the Navy during Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Monica. Not once did I hear anyone say, support this president so that our troops will feel supported. What I did hear from the right was that we had a dilapidated force. No moral. Demoralized. They were so fucking wrong. We were the baddest motherfuckers alive and we knew it. I didn't give a shit if Clinton was getting his cock sucked. I didn't even care that people were giving him shit over it. I was too worried about getting my legs chopped off with an arresting wire, or getting blown up with a 2000 pound Mark 84 AGB, or getting burned alive by the millions of pounds of JP-8 on board. I could care less about who Clinton had his dick in. The guys today are even less concerned with Bush. They really have it rough. All they want is to go home.


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