Saturday, July 10, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11

Watched the movie last night. Liked it. Was actually boring in some parts. Kinda like a Documentary. That's because it was a documentary. I have heard from alot of people who I am guessing haven't even seen the damn thing, that it is nothing like a documentary and more like propoganda. That it's slanted and politically motivated.....DUH!!!!! This is Michael Moore! Of course it's politicaly motivated. You stupid fucks out there that complain that mass media should not be used to further political ends better remember Faux News, Liddy, Rush, Hannity, Savage, and umpteen other Right Wing Assholes that push their agenda down the listening publics throat day in and day out. If someone doesn't want to see the movie then they don't have to drive themselves to the theater, buy a ticket and sit in one place for two hours and pay attention to the movie. They are acting like Moore is kidnapping school children cutting off their eyelids and making them watch the damn movie. Don't watch it if you don't want to see it. Most people who watch this movie are say.... voting age maybe? Supposedly they are big enought to drive, shoot a gun, join the military, own land. etc. etc. etc. Maybe they will be able to decide on their own what they will and won't believe? Oh I forgot. GOP types are used to their constituents being swayed by propoganda and rhetoric. I guess that's why they are worried about this movie.


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