Monday, July 11, 2005

I'm gonna bury the hatchet

I have just read a piece by a Mr. Andrew Sullivan that has changed alot of my opinions on alot of things. Actually I won't say he changed my opionion but he did sofen it a bit. It's located at . It is about Zell Miller and alot of other things but it points something out to me that I have kind of suspected for a long time but was never able to put into words. I am somewhat conservative. I realize that I can be somewhat conservative but still have respect for other peoples opinions if they differ from my own. I can be somewhat conservative but it doesn't prohibit me from respecting gay peoples rights. I can be somewhat conservative and still recognize that I don't want my God anywhere near the corruption of the state. I'm also somewhat a Democrat. I didn't say liberal because the neocons have sucessfully demonized the word to the point where I will not call myself that. This group of small thoughts have put alot of things in perspective for me. I let Zell Miller get me mad enough that I began to act like him. Well I have regained my composure and while Mr. Miller can still fuck himself, I no longer wish him to burn in hell. I need not wish that because God will see to it that this man recieves the appropriate punishment.


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