Thursday, December 29, 2005

Clinton Getting The Blame From GOP..........Again

Even after 6 years William Jefferson Clinton is still getting blamed for just about every problem under the sun. A strategy of one Mr. Karl Rove, and one that has permeated all of GOP politics. When all else fails, you can always blame Clinton! Case in point. A study was just released saying that children 8 to 12 are having some kind of skyrocketing oral sex thing. Well obviously Clintons to blame! Or so says the talking heads in the GOP. Give me a break. All the good things that Clinton did. The foiled terrorist attacks, the strongest peacetime economy ever, 4.3 percent unemployment, the 4 or 5 percent drop in those living below the poverty level, getting his cock sucked in the oval office. They refuse to give him credit for any of those things. Well they do give him credit for the cock suck thing. Not only do they give him credit for that, they give him credit for starting a revolution of amongst children that were 5 years old when he left office! I personally can't remember what I was doing when I was 5, but I do know that keeping up on the presidents sexual habits was not among them. I did know who was pres. Even with all the bad press out there, I really had a good opinion of Jimmy Carter. I think he just had an honest face. Which goes to show you that I was not exposed to the press crap and even if I was I couldn't understand it. So to derive that those kids are doing this because Clinton inspired, or somehow exposed them to it is rediculous. But don't tell that to Sean Hannity or others of his ilk. **(note: I use the word "ilk" to describe the dickheads who agree with Sean Hannity because he uses the word at least 15 times a show. He got it from Rush Limbaugh and like others mouthpieces for the GOP he feels he has to use it also to give what Rush says legitamacy. For example the GOPs use of the phrase "Evil Doer", and "Political Assassin" and my personal favorite, "Weapons of mass destruction related activities".)** They will grab on to anything they can to try and pin some kind of blame on Clinton. All in the name of destroying his legacy. They try and build up Reagans legacy all the time. The funny thing about Reagan is that his presidency defines him. That is all Reagan has. He was a dickhead as Govornor telling protesters that he was gonna have the national guard kill them. "If there is gonna be a bloodbath then let it happen now!" He said that to his own countrymen! Presidents like Clinton, Carter, and even Bush Senior are using their presidencies as platforms to do good for their fellow man. Using their presidencies to catapult themselves beyond what they had already accomplished. What have you heard of Reagan doing outside of his presidency. Well ............nothin! Because he was a shithead that needed to be propped up by rhetoric and saber rattling. If it hadn't been for the arms race and his dispatching of the pesky Islanders of Grenada and killing Ghadafis children Reagan would be remembered for stealing from the American people to give money and arms to terrorists. He would also be remembered for getting 200 plus Marines killed in Lebannon. He also should be given credit for creating the environment that Osama Bin Ladden sprang from. Oh the thing Mr. Asshole, I mean Hannity loves to take credit for vicariously is the tearing down of the Berlin Wall.............come on Mr. Hannity. The cold war lasted almost 50 years! Reagan caught the tail end of it. The hard work had already been done. Only thing Reagan had to do was scare the bejesus out of the Russians and get them to believe that we were actually crazy enough to start a nuclear war. Well Mr. Reagan played the part of psycho very well.


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