Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Sony PSP is a heap of shit

Now I know what you are saying. "Hey! How can you say the PSP is a heap of shit when you have never played it!" Well I will tell you. It's 250 dollars that's why. It's a handheld that costs $250 dollars! It plays old ported Playstation games on a 3 inch screen. There are few games for it. It has been buggy. It has one thing going for it. It's all shiney and black. It's slick looking on the shelf and makes a really nice status symbol for all the spoiled little brat teenagers out there whos parents evidently have more money than brains. It's specs are too die for! It has a browser for you to look up porn and it .....GASP!!.... plays MP3's! After all of that the Pitiful Nintendo DS is still whipping its ass in sales! I admit the DS don't look like much. Especially in that dorky silver color. The other colors look much better. It's not as fast wirelessly. It's speakers are smaller, although they sound better than a PSPs. It's batteries are smaller, although they last hours longer than a PSPs. A DS to my knowledge has no browser. It has no MP3 ability. What it does have is fuckin games to play! If I get the PSP I can get a Metal Gear Solid port. WOW! Metal Gear Solid sucks. Really. Have you played it? Gay assed bullshit storyline. "Snake. Do you think a man can fall in love on a battlefield?" "Yes. Yes I do." How gay is that. It's the gayest thing since gay came to gaytown! The game is almost as bad as the first 3 games of the Resident Evil series. How anyone can call that crap cutting edge gaming is beyond me. They need to get themselves a fuckin PC game like Half Life2. Good voice acting. Top notch story. Bad assed graphics. Makes the 360 look like garbage and that was from over a year ago. Another knock on Xbox ports. Have you played Halo online? Supposedly the end all be all shooter from xbox live fame.....................It's a hot steaming tird. Booooooring in the extreme. Anyway. Back to the DS and PSP. The DS has very little advertising. They have advertised some games but as far as the actual DS being advertised it is practically nonexistant. The PSP on the otherhand Sony has actually paid taggers to spraypaint images of kids playing with PSPs on the walls of allys and shit. I guess it's to make it seem more of the street and urban. Even though it will be suburban white kids playing the damn things. It worked for rap music. White kids will buy anything. That is the only explaination for YU GI OH and power rangers. Anyway after all of Sonys jockying. After all the crap with Sony dumping on Nintendo and the DS saying that they will overtake the DS shortly after launch. After all that and a year of sales later. The DS still leads the PSP in sales in the US. It is actually crushing the PSP in Japan. One big huge reason for this is the lack of games for the PSP. If the PSP had to stand on its own as a gaming platform then it would be in the tank already. The UMD movies that people choose to spend 20 dollars on to watch tiny movies is evidently keeping PSP afloat. The DS has no such lifeline. It lives or dies on its ability to make better games. So far it's doing just that. The WiFi is just gravy. If Nintendo and come out with that title that trancends Mario Kart possibly Metriod Prime Hunters or Animal Crossing: Wild World, they will really be able to make some hay. People are dying to pay money for something that they consider to be a bargain. The DS while still pretty pricey, is the best buy in town for handheld gaming. Get one. Get two! I have bought 3! No shit! One broke because I sat on it while it was open. Door broke the hell off. I will buy another. I want me and my daughter and son to play Mario Cart, and Animal Crossing. They will get a kick out of that. Me too I guess. I can't wait for Christmas!


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