Friday, August 12, 2005

Piss on Oprah

Well it was only a matter of time before Oprah would get on here. I have left lots of space here for hate speak about Oprah. I am an equal opportunity hater. I hate lots of black people as well as white people. I actually avoid watching Oprah at all costs but when I was switching though the channels today I saw the big "O" talking to some ugly graying bitch behind some glass. At first I thought she was like the bubble boy. I was intrigued. So like a jackass that can't take his eyes off of the trainwreck I watched. Turns out Oprah was talking with the psycho bitch that ran over her husband a few years ago because she couldn't take it that he had his dick in some other hoebag. Not only is she talking with this turnip. She acts like she is sympathizing with her. I mean that bastard deserved it! was the vibe I was getting from Oprah. It's funny because the guy she ran over. You know. The father of her children? Can't tell his side of the story. He can't tell you that the bitch was fuckin nuts. He couldn't tell you that he did everything in his power to get the woman to divorce him but the stupid bitch just couldn't take the hint! I personaly think the guy is a tird. If he wanted a divorce then fine. He should have waited until the divorce was final and then screw other women to your little dicks content. But NO! He wanted his cake and eat it too. He wanted to not rock the boat with his kids with a divorce and still be able to fuck around. Don't work that way. It doesn't bother me that she killed him. It happens every day. What bothers me is that since it's a woman killing the cheating man, the woman is some kind of hero. If I found my wife in bed with another man came in and beat her to death with a club do you think Oprah and I would be having interviews? If I had an abusive wife and one night I decided to cut off her tits do you think people would laugh and let me off? Hell no! My ass would be in fuckin jail for the rest of my life and Farah Fawcett would be playing my wife in a made for TV Lifetime movie. I am of course talking about the Lorenna Bobbit that cut off her mans dick because he was an asshole to her. If I was a teacher and was fucking my students do you think the courts would give me a second and third chance and allow me to continue to teach until they finally had to put me in jail to keep me from having sex with minor girls? AGAIN HELL NO!!! There is a rash of women teachers that are screwing their students and noone seems to care! It's a bullshit double standard. I personally think that prisoners that commit murder, rape, child molestation, burglery I think 95 percent of them deserve to be drug out in the street and hung by the neck until they be dead. I don't give a rats ass about how a society only being as civilized as its prisons. I want law. I want order. I want a person to pay with pain and miserable death if they harm a child. I want a person to have their hands cut off if they steal to support their crack addiction. I want people practically beaten to death if they force themselves into an old persons house and scam them out of the little bit of money they have left. Justice in my world would be swift and it would be fair and it would be old school eye for and eye shit. Some prick rapes a girl? His sentence would be to wear his dick and balls in a jar around his neck the rest of his miserable life. Some bitch runs over her husband in a fit of jealousy? She gets the fuckin chair. None of this pity for people just because they are white, black, man, or woman. Now at first blood would be running like a river in this country. Getting people to stop murdering each other and raping each other and having sex with little kids would be surprisingly difficult. But once all the dead weight of this society. The dregs that drag us all down. The murderers, the rapists, the molesters, the addicts, the theives. Once they are all gone. You would finally be able to trust one another again. Your doors could stay unlocked at night without fear of some crack addict comming in and shooting you with his thirty dollar pistol for a jar full of pennies. You could let your children play in the backyard without thoughts of some freak taking them and dropping them in a ditch somewhere. It's gotten to the point where I take my kids to school. I do not let them out of my sight in a store. They can't play for long in the backyard without me hawking over them. I do this because I know that I could not survive without them. Then you got Oprah........Fuckin whore is trying to justify the killing of another human being because she is jealous. One of the ugliest and basic of all human emotions. Jealousy. Most of us can control ourselves. There are those few that get carried away and run over their cheating husbands and then back over them again with their children in the car. This woman deserves to be dropped off of something high onto something hard and left for the crows to pick out her eyes. The comes along Oprah. The woman who people trust with their lives! People do what this woman tells them to do! Oprah comes along and trys to glorify what this woman did and justfy it. Well I can't let people get away with murder. I can't let them off the hook that easily. The woman is going to burn in hell. With any luck Oprah will be right along side her.


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