Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Happy Holidays? Merry Christmas? Who gives a shit!

I for one don't give a rats ass if someone tells me Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas. Personally I would rather them just leave me the fuck alone, but if someone is gonna say something to me Happy Holidays is one of the things that I, as a decent human being, can take. Merry Christmas? Fuckin A! At least they won't be telling me what people normally tell me which is more often than not a hearty middle finger. Sometimes just a flapping of the jaws behind a tightly gripped steering wheel and a snappy fuck you is enough for some people. I actually read that some priest got all bent because he was sent a Christmas card from GW Bush that said Happy Holidays, and not Merry Christmas! GASP! YOU FUCKIN ASSHOLE! If the president is sending you Christmas Cards, especially a pres like Bush who is constantly licking your nuts, then you'd better be fuckin appreciative. I mean Bush is down on all fours for these guys and they have the nerve to say, "If he's truly an evangelical Christian he's sure not acting like it." Because of a Christmas Card? Get a fuckin GRIP! Actually I thank the prick child molesting asshole that said that because after that became public the rauchous debate kind of hit a brick wall and it disappeared from Faux News. I mean every night they hit on that point about how people that didn't say Merry Christmas were all worshipping Satan and that businesses without the words CHRISTMAS emblazoned prominently on their store fronts should be boycotted. John Gibson was constantly pimping his new book. THE WAR ON CHRISTMAS..... can you think of any more of a melodramatic title than that? Even Bill Oh Really? weighed in with some over the top, beyond anger crap about HES not gonna shop in these stores! Then they did the unthinkable. They took a shot at the Bushmeister. Then as if by magic. Tolerance broke out and businesses and people were forgiven. It's hardly mentioned anymore. Yesterday Bill Oh Really? actually said, after weeks of stating to the contrary by the way, that, "I'm not going to announce a boycott on these stores because it will hurt people and that's not what we're about."......WHEWWWW!!! I bet Walmart just unclenched their colective teeth! I'm sure they were cowering waiting for Bills endorsement! Even Sean "Yes thats cum on my chin" Hannity has barely touched on it since. Now some members of my family still think that there is some kind of underground effort to remove Christ from the HOLIDAY season. I will spell this out for anyone that will listen. The reason that they say Happy Holidays and not Merry fuckin Christmas is that if they say Happy Holidays they can put the Christmas signs, decorations, goods, whatever out before Halloween. The earlier they put that crap out the more they are gonna be able to cash in. Whether they say Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, or kiss my ass, it's all to do one thing and that's make money. I have seen photocopied Merry Christmas signs on the front doors of Sears and other stores. That makes me want to vomit. They actually think that if they put that crap out there I'm gonna say "Boy look at these good Christians. Sears is the store of Christians! I will give them my business and my hard earned cash!" Fuck that. I buy shit whereever I can get it cheapest. If just because Walmart puts up a Merry Christmas sign sure as hell don't make them goodly. If Salman Rushdie had Pepsi 2 liters for 50 cents a jug you can bet your sweet ass I'd be in line with a whole cartload. My point is that these born agains, or evangelicals as they call themselves these days, want to believe that the entire country is comming around to their way of thinking. Some blonde blue eyed woman gets kidnapped and reads some bible verses and all of a sudden they are friends and the man turns himself in. The Bible soothes the savage black man! Wait a minute. Turns out the guy used to be her dealer. Meth addicts need dealers you know. Turns out they didn't have some revelation due to reading the Bible. The were doing METH! Wow. If she's really an evangelical Christian she sure isn't acting like it. God that was a tangent. Made no sense but I had to throw it in there. Merry Christmas, Merry Holiday, Happy Kwantza, Good Ramadan WHATEVER! Just stop bitchin America! People quit listening a long time ago!


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