Friday, September 16, 2005

Fuck Sean Hannity

I realize that the phrase, "Fuck Sean Hannity", may be a little harsh. But I have had such feelings of wishing bad shit on that man for a long time. I am hoping a little Bill Oriely sex scandal to befall him. But like Bill, he would just buy his way out of it. Or maybe Faux "News" would put up the money. They are not about to let some innocent woman tramp all over one of their cash cows. Either way Bill is a fucking sham and a worthless lying piece of trash. The fact that he can spout his bullshit and then pull what he did should have finished him but in the country where Marion Barry and Arnold can run for office and win what do you expect. I am getting off the subject of why Sean Hannity deserves an ass kicking. I listen to him on the way home for about 5 minutes a few times a week. I usually get so disgusted with him and his propoganda that I have to turn the radio off. Now I am not some left wing liberal. I have guns. I don't believe in abortion however I do believe that it should be left up to the states and not be outlawed. I watch and agree with that Scarborough guy once and a while. What I can't stand is how he just totaly ignores facts. Now while I really can't say that Sean Hannity lies, the way he presents people on his program and the way he presents information is like trying to fill in the blanks. He will play sound bites that are incomplete and doctored. He invites people on his show, presents them as experts in some field, nobel prize nominees even, and they turn out to be anything but. Everyone he's got on there has an ax to grind. The fact that he hangs out with that lying tird Ollie North should tell you something about this mans character. He's always got some general on there. Generals from the Vietnam war and shit like that. Well I got info for you Sean. WE LOST VIETNAM! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THIS GUYS KNOWS BEANS ABOUT WAR. THE GUY GOT HIS ASS KICKED BY SOME RICE FARMERS! Anyway what brings me to my ditribe on Mr. Dickless, I mean Hannity, is that today he was talking shit about unions. Now I am not an expert on Sean Hannity. I know little to nothing about him other than the fact that hes a dickless asshole. Something I got from one of his shows one time was that he was an contractor. Now I don't know if its true or not but it really doesn't matter because what he says has no bearing on what he did in his past. Either way he said something to the fact that down in New Orleans you can't have the inconvieience of union labor down there because it will cost too much. I am paraphrasing here but he said something to the effect of "We can't afford 25 dollar an hour union labor." OK. Now I don't make 25 bucks an hour. Several dollars less than that an hour. I haul in a whopping 40 grand a year at my union job doing electrical work. I don't live in a palace. I send my kids to public school. I drive a station wagon. Now I am not complaining. I am happy to be able to live as well as I do. But the money that I make is not what I would call a large sum. What Mr. Dickless (AKA HANNITY) is saying is that he wants to be able to use slave labor to rebuild New Orleans. Kind of like the way Halliburton is rebuilding Iraq. Immigrant workers will make up the lions share of the labor down there in Hannitys mind. Because in the words of George Bush, immigrants are only here to do the work that Americans won't do. I dunno last I checked Americans loved building cars, shoes, buildings, roads, electronics, durable goods. Still don't matter. I guess Americans don't want to work rebuilding their own cities either. It's going to take an army of workers to rebuild New Orleans. An army that won't all come from the local population. Some will have to travel over 100 miles back and forth to work away from their families to go work in that hell hole called New Orleans. Gas costs money as I'm sure Hannity and his oil loving Bush buddies know. Lodging costs money. Food. Water. And this guy or gal is expected to go to work there for less than 25 bucks an hour? They won't be able to afford to. So the state and the non union contractors will have to literaly bus mirgrant workers in to do the work. The won't have to pay as much to make a nice workplace. The mexicans shit in a hole with a board across it. The mexicans won't need paid vacation or a 40 hour work week. They wont need health insurance because the government will provide for that. Won't have to pay into unemployment. Social Security. None of the things that make union workers such a pain in the ass. They will be able to hire or fire anyone they want. The workers will have no recourse. What you will have is the government paying contractors top dollar to rebuild the city while the contractors pay bottom dollar wages. American workers will not show up to do the work because they can't afford to. Enter the Illegal Immigrant worker! He will save the day! He will live 30 in a house and will drive one car. Everyone sits around and bitches about illegal immigrants. They keep talking about building a wall and putting troops on the borders. The answer is simple. ENFORCE THE FUCKIN LAW!!! If asshole american companies wouldn't be breaking the law and hiring these undocumented illegal immigrants then they wouldn't be comming up here in the first place! If there were no jobs for them from greedy people ready to take advantage of them then they would stay home. It's just like the fuckin drug war. To blame other countries for the drugs in this country is retarded. Take away the demand and the drugs will stop comming. Take away the jobs and the immigrants will stop comming! "They" will not do this however because of horror stories of 5 dollar apples. You know what? To save american jobs I just may have to stop eating fuckin apples. The horror stories are a mask for the truth. The truth is American companies have traditionaly been built on the backs of slaves. Ask the Chinese, Irish, Africans, and the Indians how their backs feel. They rake in illegal profits and funnel them to their political connections so that they will feel behooved to preserve the status quo. America will ignore the obvious solutions in order to preseve profit. Plain and simple.


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