Thursday, December 22, 2005

Drilling in Anwar is just a BS smokescreen

All the crap about drilling in Anwar. It's a matter of national security! They say. It will make us less dependent on Middle Eastern Oil! They say. It will make just a small footprint on the wilderness! They say. "They" seem to say alot. The funny thing is "They" never seem to be telling the truth, and when it comes time to pay the piper, "They" are always inconspicuously absent. I find it funny that while "They" sit around and bitch about not having enough oil for our country, "They" are also hard at work exporting almost 10 percent of it. Now if oil were to supposedly give us all this security, why would we be making ourselves less secure by exporting any of it. The answer is they get better prices for it elsewhere. If it were up to the governors and senators of Alaska they would be exporting all of it. You see, when Alaska began exporting some of it's oil overseas back in 1996, they began to see that they were making more money off of it. Oil revenues went up as a result of export for some reason. Now they want to drill in Anwar to give us more oil to make us more secure. Well the Alaskan oil goes mostly to the West Coast of the US. The West Coast contrary to popular belief has plenty. They don't need any extra right now. The extra would be subject to export and consequently increased profits for the oil companies. Boy it's funny how this centers around money. I guess they will need all that extra money to buy us more security right? Probably not. Mr. Shell will get a new Yacht maybe. Mr. Politician will get his nice fat kickback surly. And you and I will pay the oil companies with our tax dollars in the form of grants and taxcuts/breaks and higher gas prices, for them to go up there and make themselves money. I pretty much find the entire charade sickening. Security my ass. It doesn't bother me so much that everyone on "Their" side is lying. Trying to tie our security to a relatively small cache of oil. What bothers me the most is all the assholes that really don't have a dog in the fight, trying to blow sunshine up my ass about how this is gonna make it all better. The President assures me that the oil fields will be about as big as the Dulles International Airport. Well yeah it will at first. But there is no provision that says it has to be that big in the bill. It can be as big as they need it to be. It could end up destroying the entire thing! Now really I don't much care about the refuge. It's nice to have but I could take it or leave it. Don't confuse me with a tree hugger. I just hate lies and hypocrisy, and this is chock full of them.


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