Sunday, September 18, 2005


Did anyone have any doubts that NASCAR would eventually sink back to the depths that it came from? I hope all the fuckin NASCAR drivers wreck and die. That is what everyone wants to see anyway isn't it? Highlights of a nascar race consist of wrecks. Period. Noone gives a rats ass about the race. They just want to see drivers wreck. And if they would all die in firey crashes I would probably not care. The number one reason I want them all to die is the fact that they are all just spoiled white men that drive a car in a circle. Now you can bitch and moan all you want about how difficult it is to drive in a circle but I have done it before and I really didn't even break a sweat. Today those fuckin redneck assholes ( I mean redneck asshole in the most hateful and distainful way possible) were crashing into one another because they felt that the other had made them wreck.......... Wheres the fuckin logic in that? Isn't wrecking the whole point of the damn race to begin with?! COME ON! Then not to be outdone Jeff Gordon, the epitome of ugly fuck redneck kind, acts like hes going to jump out in front of a moving car but then in a fit of maturity throws his helmet at the other driver. I wish the helmet had crushed the guys skull bounced off of it and smashing into Gordons face pushing bones in his nose up into his brain. Too bad. These assholes are getting paid to basicly act like professional wrestlers. I hate the WWE too but that is a whole other story. It also involves redneck hillbilly sister fuckers. I myself am from the hills but I don't act like those pricks. Only one thing I hate more than the WWE and NASCAR is country music. Isn't it funny how all three of these wastes of human enterprise are related? They all relate to white trailer people and how thier lives suck so bad that they have to resort to punishing themselves with country music and watching pro wrestling all the while wearing a DALE EARNHEART IS RACING WITH THE ANGELS t-shirt. May they all burn in hell.


Blogger Bulletstopper said...


9:50 AM  
Blogger Bulletstopper said...

I cant believe they actually have bots that look for blogs to dupe people into going to their sites. Unbelievable.

9:51 AM  
Blogger Bulletstopper said...

What the hell is a toddler rashguard!!!!??? You fuckin people!! What is it with blog bots!!!?? Is nothing fuckin sacred?

3:17 AM  

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