Monday, August 01, 2005

Pit Bulls Need To Be Banned

First of all let me just begin this by saying I hate pit bulls. Dogs in general are dirty, smelly, pains in the ass. I have one myself but not by choice. My kids love dogs. And while most dogs will get a nice scratch behind the ears and a friendly pat I really could take them or leave them. When my wife and kids started wanting a dog I started thinking about what kind of dog I could stand living with. A nice small dog that didn't eat or shit much was the dog for me. But my wife hates "yippy" dogs so we thought some more. My family had a German Shepard when I was little. Very loyal, protective dog. I was bitten by him once when as a very small toddler I took something out of his food dish. Nothing serious but still a capital offense for an animal in my book. I believe my parents to be very irresponsible for allowing a German Shepard around their kids. It's bred to guard things. It's not suited as a family pet in my opinion. So anyway we decided on a Golden Retreiver. Absolutely beautiful dog. Long white golden coat. Very dosile. Bites me all the time but really just nips. You can tell he's purposely not biting hard because he knows he could hurt you. Never growls except for when someone comes in the driveway. I trust him around my kids. Now I have known many people that have had pit bulls. Every single one of them has a story about how someone got attacked. A neighbor or a cousin or whatever caught their dog on a bad day and moved wrong or yelled too loud and their dog attacks for whatever reason. Every one of them has a story like this! Now they tell these storys like I'm supposed to be impressed that they have such a powerful dog. I just smile and nod. What I'm really thinking is "How fuckin dumb are you?" A person has a family. Small kids. So the first thing you want to do is go out and buy a dog that has a very well known reputation for being unpredicably violent and prone to outbursts. I realize that it's the owners fault that the dogs are able to attack their neighbors children. That's why if a Pit Bull or any other kind of dog for that matter, ever attacks one of my kids then he will deserve the same punishment that the dog is going to get. And that is a .35 cal hollowpoint in his head. It infuriates me that people are free to maintain nucences in this country that can potentialy harm their neighbors. I could care less if some jackass farmer has a thousand pit bulls on his farm. But if some prick moves a pit bull into a neighborhood full of kids then that is crossing a line. It is putting all of them at risk. Anytime you hear of an attack its always some kid down the street that gets his face chewed off. If they had to watch their own children getting mauled they probably would be less likely to bring a menace like that into their home. I don't just feel that pit bulls should be banned from public ownership. I think that attack dogs in general should be banned. I think dobermans, pit bulls, german shepards, whatever should not be owned by someone that don't need it. If I could I would put all the pit bulls of the world into a giant rocket and lauch it into the sun. But until that day the only thing I can do is impress my influence upon my little corner of the world and make it the best it can possibly be.


Blogger Bulletstopper said...

To sote filpo I think your a prick.

1:11 PM  

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