Saturday, February 25, 2006

Faux News Spin Machine in high gear

Last night I was watching faux news. This is something I do when I have no paint to watch dry and have ran out of ice to melt. They were talking about the furor that has been created about the port deal. They are "furious" over the partisan politics that is being played here. The Democrats are making political hay damnit! Clinton had a deal shot down during his administration from the Chinese damnit! Yes the Democrats are making some noise but it's the Republicans whos deafening protests have given this argument weight. If not for the Republicans being pissed about it the deal would have went through and been done with. You see something Faux forgets about alot is that Republicans are the ones in charge. The Democrats can't take a shit without GOP approval. I look at the panel and it's filled with assholes from the weekly standard and other GOP cock boys. I can tell that is far from fair or balanced. But faux very rarely attempts to be fair or balanced. This is the first stark example of being able to tell people that really are worried about the country, and those that are just neocons. Usually it's so muddy it's hard to tell. In this case Bush had no idea supposedly about the deal. This is in itself a fuckin crime. The Neocons excuse that blantant act of stupidity. Most human beings would realize that this would create somewhat of a ripple. The Neocons are trying to deflect the blame onto the Democrats. With leading Republicans opposing this to a man how the hell can they even try and pull that? Do they think we are stupid? Well they are hoping that there are enough like minded assholes in this country to create an air of acceptance. That is what Faux is trying to do right now. To flood the airwaves with tales of Democratic opportunism and not report the fact that just about everyone is pissed about this. The strategy is to make this a pill that the GOP will be willing to swallow. They know that America gets distracted easily. They have delayed this and are hoping that over time the issue will get tired and noone will care. Chances are they are gambling correctly. What the stupid fucks don't know, or are willing to risk, is that if this goes through, alot of GOP have painted themselves into a corner. They have commited themselves to opposing the deal. Some have hedged their bets and said the ambiguous "We will investigate this and see if it's ok." That's crap. 45 days is not going to change the fact that the UAE laundered and distributed money for the 9/11 terrorists. It's not going to change the fact that the UAE does not recognize Isreal. A point that while retarded I could care less about. I mean how can you not recognize a country but at the same time be all pissed at them. How can you be bent at something that doesn't exist! Anyway. It's not going to change the fact that there are Taliban sympathizers in the highest branches of their government. Up until a few years ago they publicly supported the Taliban and would still do so if it didn't cramp their economic style. Not to mention the fact that the Taliban is defunct. The UAE being in charge of those ports does not put them in charge but it does give them intimate information about the goings on at these ports. One comprimised person in a sensitive location at the right time could lead to disaster. Now it is true that that situation could arise with anyone in charge but come on. What country would bring the greatest risk? You know the answer to that one. The fact that Faux is attempting to sell this to the American public so that their neocon administration won't get egg on its face in spite of the damage to the country proves where their priorities lie.


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