Sunday, February 26, 2006

Is Sean Hannity fucking retarded?

Well the answer to that question is an emphatic yes. A few weeks ago while driving home, I was listening to Sean Hannity for my daily 10 minutes. The ritual is the same. I listen to the ABC news at the top of the hour, then I turn the volume down for about a minute so that I can avoid listening to Hannity bullshit theme song. You know. Independence Day. That country song that I fucking hate so much. I hated it before Sean started using it but when he started playing it as his theme song I really started hating it. You see Sean was using it as a metaphor for the "liberation" of Iraq. Subtle huh? Anyway I heard him saying something about how a reporter was gonna, "blow the lid off", of a story that would vindicate all of Bushs strategy in Iraq. I was very intrigued. He talked of tapes that were being released showing Saddam Hussein talking to his son in law about weapons of mass destruction. The having of, the making of, and the deployment of the very weapons that Bush was defending us from! Hark! I was very intrigued! In fact I was wondering why I was not hearing about it in the news. Well it's obvious. The main stream media was suppressing the story due to them being anti America and sabatoging the war effort. Or at least thats how Sean told it. Well thankfully, it was time to turn Mr. Hannity off. Later that evening I heard about how there was going to be a press conference releasing all this "new" information. They just went on and on about what the briefing was to contain. I thought it was funny that for some reason the info had already gotten out to the public before the lid was blown off! Evidently they had listened to Sean Hannity or one of the other many Right Wing talking heads that were spouting the exact same talking points. Curious. Well the press conference came and went and didn't creat so much as a ripple. That was the most silent lid blowing I had ever heard. Well weeks went by and I had forgotten about the entire thing. Until I was poking around on the internet and came across a website called FAIR. Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting. Heres the link. Apparently the reason the lid comming off was so silent was that the lid on this story had been blown off for over 10 years. It's been public knowledge. But with the American public being so un and miss informed it's not hard to see why the right wing noise machine thought they could get away with passing this off as new info. As was reported several years ago Saddam Hussein was speaking with his son in law Hussein Kamel about hiding weapons of mass destruction. That's the short story and you'll have to get the whole scoop from the link above. What wasn't reported by the new release was that the same Hussein Kamel defected from Iraq in 1995 and informed the CIA and the FBI that Saddam Hussein had destroyed all of his WMD. Destroyed it ALL in accordance with UN instructions. Now this man was the guy that Mr. Dickless Cheney used to bolster his claims that the WMD were being massed in a speech he made Aug.26,2002. "We've gotten this from the firsthand testimony of defectors, including Saddam's own son-in-law"—a reference to Kamel. But his testimony was not worth considering when he vehemently stated that the WMD were no longer in Iraqi hands. Sounds a bit like cherry picking. You know. Using only information that will support your case and supressing information that would damage it? But this administation is known for its forthright nature and for always telling the truth! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH


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