Monday, March 27, 2006

Scalia has about as much credibility as Ginsburg

If you are to look at Justice Scalia, and his track record, you would see that the man hasn't the objectivity to be a judge. He gives out his decisions based on his emotions. The law is secondary. That is to say that he twists it to fit his way of thinking, thereby justifying himself in his own mind. This is the same way Ginsburg decides cases. With her heart, and her own convictions. To hell with the constitution! It's just there for them to contort to prop up their own notions about how the world should work. I like John Roberts. I get a good feeling about him. Even though he's a Bush appointee, I just have the feeling that the man is fair, and if that turns out to be true, then by God that will be the first good thing Bush ever did. Now Justice Scalia has a case comming up where he is going to have to decide whether or not the guys they have holed up at Gitmo have the right to a trial. This is where shit gets all convoluted and fucked up. The US government REFUSES to call these guys combatants. That would afford them rights under the Geneva Convention. Technically they should still apply if the treaty is worth the paper it's printed on, but since it's not, Bushs lawyer bean counting yes men have advised Bush that they, "don't think it's a violation, but even if it is, it will all be over before anyone can do anything about it anyway." Anyway it would seem that if they are not combatants, then they should be given the rights that anyone else would be afforded under our civilian laws. Well again Bushs asshole lawyers found another loophole. Well just keep them outside of the US! WOW what a concept! That's what the Nazis did to the Jews. Just send them all to Auschewitz in Poland, and you can do whatever you want with them. That in itself causes a paradox in law because any US military base/ship is considered US territory. We certainly wouldn't defer to the local authorities there now would we. So what now? They have fucked it all up so bad that we have entered an area where there is no law. Supposedly all the existing ones don't apply. So what do we do with them? Keep them locked up? Execute them? Let them go? Who the hell knows. I will tell you what I would do if I were president. I would show some fucking leadership and classify them as prisoners of war. Yeah I know, if you did that you would have to let the Red Cross see them and you probably couldn't torture them as easily but come on guys! You got to do something. It's not like these guys after being in prison for the last 5 years are gonna know anything pertaining to intelligence. Give these guys some kind of military tribunal, present the evidence, and if you can hold them, you hold them. If you have to let them go, let them go. We took thousands of prisoners and had them jailed at Abu Garib prison. The week after the pictures came out we released 2800 of them! These guys were supposedly terrorists trying to destroy America. What they found is that most of them were non violent offenders who were just swept up in the bullshit that was Iraq right after the war supposedly came to an end. Well to bring my point to a head..... Scalia is scheduled to give a decision pertaining to these prisoners at Gitmo being tried as criminals. Scalia the other day spoke in Switzerland and has apparently already made his decision without ever hearing the case. That is to say that he already has an established opinion on the subject. Therefore he should probably excuse himself from ruling on the case. But not Scalia. This is the man heard Vice President Chaneys case when he was testifying before Congress and said that there was no conflict of intrest. HE HUNTS WITH CHENEY ON THE FUCKING WEEKENDS!!!!! You think if you are buds with some guy, you have any business hearing his testimony? Well any judge worth a pinch of shit would think to excuse themselves from the case. But not Scalia. The man is a worthless judge, and has not the integrity to occupy that seat. He is not objective and lets his opinons about how he thinks the world should work and not the law to form his judgements. I hope he's really old because he needs replaced.


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