Friday, March 24, 2006

Natalie Holloway

You demanded it! So you get it! The straight story. Right from the horses mouth. You were probably wondering when I was gonna talk about Miss Holloway. Actually you probably wasn't because as far as I can see, the only people that read this blog are fuckin blog bots and the NSA (Fuck you guys by the way). I can't express anything but sympathy for the family of Natalie Holloway. That being said I guess I can be pissed about it. I understand that they had only one hope of finding Natalie. That was to keep it in the news and on the air as long as possible. That involved telling Faux news that you had a new lead in the case and stringing them along like the whores that they are. That strategy worked for almost 3 months! Those dumbasses over at Faux, and their audience, are slow on the uptake. Unfortunately, Natalie still hasn't been found. When Chandra Levey went missing, it took several months after they stopped looking to find her. That's what is going to happen here. On a little sidenote. My brother in law found a pile of human bones out in the woods while hunting one day. He went and got the state police. After he showed them where the bones were, and gave a statement, that was the last he heard of it. He thought he would be interviewed by at least the press, but to this day......nothing. No CSI. No JAG. No nothin. Boy that was some intense investigation! It's no wonder that I have no confidence in our law enforcement. About the only thing they do is write me tickets. Anyway. We can take some lessons away from this and if there is a silver lining to this story, this is the only one I can find. Don't let your kids go on trips like that for senior summer. There's no reason for it. I don't give a shit how responsible you think your kid is. The kid is a kid. They don't have the life experience to deal with what is going on in the real world. They probably haven't been exposed to people that want to take advantage of them. They won't be able to spot a predator as easily as someone who has been around a while. The people on that island, see drunk kids probaby just about every day of their lives. If they see a drunk girl being escorted to a dark ally by three guys they probably are so jaded to all these assholes running around that they don't even notice. The police are slow to react because they don't want to piss off the tourists unnecessarily. The chaparones that have taken the kids down there don't want to appear like they are assholes so they allow the children to drink and get drunk. Man they are so cool! Now a child is dead because these fucks weren't paying attention. Everyone who was responsible for Natalies welfare failed her. Her parents, who should have never let her go. You can talk all day long about hind sight but my kid would never be allowed to go to that shithole while still living under my roof. Her friends, who were the only people around who could have helped her directly. Where were you guys!? And the chaparones. These people had childrens lives put in their hands, and didn't have the stones to live up to their obigations. They are pathetic human beings. I hope you guys are fucking happy now. You look really cool now. You could have saved a life and acted like the adults that you claimed to be. Instead you let kids act like animals and one got killed. Coodos you pieces of shit. Teenagers go to tropical islands outside of the United States so that they can drink and do things that are illegal. I don't give a rats ass. Anyone that ever did that will return with stories about how they got drunk, got stoned and fucked all week. My wifes friend doens't even know some of the guys she screwed and she is as straight laced as they come. These parents had to have known that. If they approved of that then they should be in jail. If Natalie convinced them that she wouldn't be doing that, they are idiots. If they did it so that Natalie could look cool and make themselves feel good then they need to know that their inaction had consequences. Any way you slice it they fucked up royal. It's too bad that a 18 year old life had to be taken for the rest of us to see it.


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