Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ministers wife "confused" awwwwwww

Mary Winkler, the woman that cut her minister husband in half with a 12 gauge shot gun, was said to be "Confused and overwhelmed." I hope the police aren't being too rough on the poor woman. I mean she's just a murderer. Women can rob banks and blame the Stockholm syndrome. Women can cut mens dicks off and blame spousal abuse. Women can fuck little 14 year old kids and people will make excuses for them. Woman can drown their 5 children in a bathtub and we have Rosie Odonnel raising money for her legal fund! If men had done any one of these things, and they have, they would be put in jail and the keys would have been melted down to make the bullet to execute him. Is there a bias in the legal system? You bet your ass their is. Have you ever seen a womens prison? They look like some kind of convent. All the women sleep in nice barracks, and get to walk around. I think one of the ones I looked at didn't even have a fence around it. Wouldn't want to upset these girls and make them think they may actually be in a jail. I got no sympathy for criminals in general. If I was in charge there would be no prison overcrowding. There would be alot of dead prisoners. First of all, there would be no deathrow. If you are convicted of death then thats what you would get. You'd be dead an hour after the gavel fell. In my world, the innocent law abiding people would not be forced to maintain facilities for criminals. All they would be responsible for would be buying the island that we would put them all on. After that, these fucks could grow their own food, build their own shelters, and look after themselves. No weights. No cable TV. No throwing urine on guards. Just a whole lot of hard living. They would be too busy trying to survive to fuck each other in the ass, and they would be co dependent on one another so they wouldn't be killing each other. If they want drugs, they have to grow em themselves, and in this world, time taken from growing food, is less food, so they would have to weigh the need for drugs over the need for eats. Either way, we win! But I am off on one of my utopia drags. I can sense that this Winkler woman is going to be set up to look like some kind of victim that was driven to shoot this man in the back. Defense attorneys always do this, the only difference is that when Leroy Williams from West Philly uses it, they don't believe him. They don't give his story any consideration. Women are constantly being portrayed as being victims. Most are victims to nothing more than their own stupidity. Being with an abusive boyfriend. Staying with a cheating husband. Killing their own because its just too hard to cope. In the next breath all of a sudden they are iron butterflys. How mentally strong they are and how they can do anything a man can do. Well I have news for people. While I believe that women are, in general, every bit as intelligent as men, I also believe that men and women have different strengths. There are always exceptions. I mean if I say that women are bad drivers.....and they are.....I will get some dumbass telling me that Dancia Patrick is a Indy driver.......That's when I inform them that Miss Patrick has never won a race. But anyway. Women want all the bennys of being a mans equal. I think they should get them. But with acceptance of being equals women need to take on the greater responsibility of that equality. In the military, women should be required to do the same things that a man does. For quals a woman should have to do the same pushups. The same times in the runs. Women should stop expecting men to open doors for them or to let them go first in line. Offer them a seat on a crowded subway or help them load groceries into a car. Now these are things that I will continue to do, simply because I am a man, and there is some ingrained DNA strand in me that says that I am supposed to help women when I can. It's not because I'm sexist. It's because thats the last bastion of manhood and when it's gone we might as well all put on dresses. I don't have to kill dinner anymore. The Huns aren't comming over the wall. We are for the most part equals. Except that WNBA players don't get paid as much as NBA players..........heres a clue girls................girls basketball sucks! Who wants to see layups and lame ass wanna be dunks all performed by nasty looking hairy lipped women. You can take your womens sports and sink them in the deepest end of the loch. I for one am tired of women getting preferential treatment in legal matters. All I want is an ounce of fairness once and a while.


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