Sunday, March 26, 2006

My 100th post Celebration!

Well folks, this is my 100th post, and for those of you who have been blessed enough to find this blog may I say you have been blessed indeed. To gain the insite found here is not unlike finding an all knowing oracle to peruse at your leasure. I will now continue on in the great tradition of my blog and enter into a rant the likes you have seen undoubtedly many times. Barry Bonds, and Mark McGuire need to be stripped of their homerun titles. Both of them are pieces of shit as far as baseball players go. These jackoffs use the sport of baseball to elevate themselves to godlike status, but cheat in order to do so. Rafael Palmerio is even worse. He testified before congress and told a big fat one. He got some hard times from fans and press alike, but the ones that should have been leaning on him.....say the federal prosecuters......let him alone. Jose Canseco is worse still! He used the fuckin drugs, ratted his fellow players out in a book, then when it comes time for him to testify before congress, he recants alot of what he wrote! Can you say roidhead piece of shit lying fucker!? I bet you can! Baseball, on a professional level, is like watching shit decompose on a hot sidewalk. Unpleasant, and boring. At least in the NBA you can pretty much count on someone getting arrested. In the NFL you can count on someone getting the shit knocked out of them in an amusing way at least every 5 minutes. In NASCAR you have the added bonus of maybe one of those spoiled assholes getting killed. Now I know what you are saying. In baseball they fight all the time. While thats true, even their fights are pussyfied and gay. A man hits another man in the face with one of his balls. The man with a bat in his hand (A CLUB THAT HE COULD USE TO BEAT THE OTHER GUYS ASS WITH BUT HE"S TOO BIG OF A PUSSY TO DO IT) drops the club and and charges the mound. Both benches then empty and you see 50 men in tights piling up on top of one another in the middle of a grass field. How fucking gay is that? If you ask me, I'd say pretty fuckin gay. Babe Ruth was a showman and an athelete. He embrassed his fans and his fame and didn't act like some brooding aged wannabe superstar like Bonds and Clemens. When he set the record it was a feat that was said to never be duplicated. If not for Roger Maris that would have held true. Then you let assholes like McGuire, and Bonds, with their multimillion dollar salaries, their illegal "workout" regimens, their year round training, and their improved facilities have one of the most heralded titles in all of sports. Well not in my book. Major League Baseball sucks.


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