Saturday, March 25, 2006

I hate liars

I hear it all the time. "From 500 yards I am shooting groups that you could cover with a dime...........". Sure you do. I bet you do. On these guys best fuckin day, they would not come close to that. Most of them anyway. I have never met anyone that told me about groupings of more than a quarter. I had my HKG3 shooting at a 1 inch square of duct tape at 100 yards. I shot a 20 shot clip of .308 win. To be more accurate, 7.62x51 South African Mil Surplus. 8 shots were inside the domain of the duct tape. The others were pretty close, most touching the tape. That is one damn fine 20 shot group at 100 yards. But I'm not going to lie to you and say that you could cover them all with a dime. A clay bird? Yeah. But this is also the best that rifle ever shot. After that I could never get it to do it again. I finally got rid of it due to the bastard being so fuckin heavy. Almost 12 pounds fully loaded! Piss on that. Plus I got tired of it and the guy down the street had a Bushmaster he wanted to trade. There is a guy at work today telling me that his brand new Savage .270 WSM practically cuts holes at 200 yards. Well, sorry if this offends the guy, but my God you are so full of shit. Most of these guys are shooting from the beds of their trucks and off of picnic tables in their backyards. What they think is 200 yards is probably more like 115 yards. What is 1000 yards is really 500. I could knock shotgun shells off of a fence at 25 yards with my Ruger P89 9mm. Thats pretty fine shooting for a pistol. Not really though. Ive shot that pistol over a 1000 times. I know exactly where it shoots. This man tells me he takes his rifle out of the box and its cutting holes? Come on. I have never met anyone that has called themselves average shots. Everyone is a fuckin sniper. When you are shooting out at around 3 or 4 hundred + yards, you leave the realm of casual deer hunter, and enter the better know what the fuck your doing if you want to hit anything world. These guys talk like 8oo yards is nothing. Have you ever looked at a golf ball through a 9 power scope at 500 yards? You'd be lucky to see it at all! Well for one thing you would have to sight your rifle in at the distance you are shooting. Either that or have some kind of bad assed 1000 dollar scope. Otherwise when you change the zoom your settings would change. The snipers with the barret semi auto sniper rifles are taking shots at guys at 2000 yards. There is a story told about a Canadian sniper that hit a man from 2000 yards with his Barret .50. It was more of a joke than anything. The guy didn't think he'd hit him. Barrets are designed to be used for hitting trucks and taking out equipment. The .50 round that it fires over penetrates and really isn't suitable for sniping people. Well anyway, I am proud that of all the things I am, one thing that I am not is a liar about my meager shooting skills.


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