Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Freedom and Liberty can go fuck themselves

Why is it that the people that constantly bitch and scream about freedom and liberty, are usually the ones who understand it least? Take "Obamacare" for example. People from coast to coast were given the opportunity to weigh in and give their two cents on the new revamped healthcare system. We had townmeetings where everyday folk were able to talk to their duly elected representative face to face. We had protests that sprang up in our nations Capitol, and virtually every state Capitol! Pro and con. For nearly a year we debated, and wrangled, and argued about the best way to implement the new rules. Then, and only then, did our elected officials return to Washington DC and begin to hammer out the details. Back and forth the Houses of Congress went. Months of late nights and toil culminated in a majority vote in favor of the new bill. The President signed the bill into law. Now I know what your thinking. That sounds like the very epitome of American Democracy in action. The very essence of our nation! Orderly, balanced, just. Well, evidently you don't know shit from apple butter, because, guess what? The rightwing noise machine began telling us all that we'd been bamboozled! Rush Limbaugh was furious that people were going to be required to have health insurance! They called it unconstitutional! Nevermind most states require you to have car insurance! Nevermind that banks require insurance on homes! This was "Obamacare"! And all the hairlipped commie bastards that passed it were gonna pay. So the people voted to throw the bums out, and once again our democratic process was renewed. Only this time the right wing talking heads called this "The most significant political shift in American history!" "the people have spoken!" "Freedom and Liberty prevail!" Hold on a minute, you say? Hold on indeed! After the November tenth elections you can bet that the GOP would be gratious in their victory. T


Blogger Bulletstopper said...

You know what? The repubs actually pressed their advantage. Can you believe that shit? And in our presidents wisdom he capitulated at every turn! To make matters worse all I heard on the radio from the repunks was what a raw deal the American public was getting! What?! This was their fucking plan and they have the nerve to bitch about it? Surly our President wouldn't stand for it. Surly he'd bring us back from the brink. Surly he couldn't cave in to the republicans one more time and let them rape social security and Medicare so that we could afford the tax cuts that we keep heaping on our wealthiest citizens? Nope. He came apart like a cheap suit. I love our President. I feel like hes a genuinely good person but he's allowing this country to go into the toilet all in the name of compromise. Compromise is a good thing but not when your the only one doing the compromising. It ceases to be compromise and enters the being a little bitch territory. After all of this. After the repunks get every single solitary thing they wanted, they still bitch and complain about how liberty is dying and freedom is being trampled on. Well I dunno about you but right now their partisan liberty and freedom is whipping this countrys ass. They can have it. I'm too tired to fight this fight anymore.

12:39 AM  

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