Monday, June 28, 2004

Bill Clinton Is GOD

A political God anyway. I am laughing my ass off at all the sluts and whores of Clintons past are pissed off that they didn't get more of a part in Clintons life. I got news for you Bitches. Bitches they come and bitches they go. And Bill don't give one rats ass about you. If any of it is true that is. I personally believe that Bill got head from Monica. He didn't have to rape Monica. Which if he were a rapist he would always be one. He wouldn't have just got blown and let it be at that. He would have thrown her ass up on that desk and fucked her black and blue. But Clintons not a rapist. I mean hundreds of thousands of dollars were given to several of the women that Bill allegedly had raped or exposed himself to. That is a great motivator. Especially when you consider the multimillion dollar deal that Monica got. Now all of a sudden there are a dozen or so women that Bill was around during his early political years that just had to come forward. After 8 years as president and 25 years of time past these women just had to come forward. Bullshit! These bitches see dollar signs. Plain and simple. And they are scooped up to be on Hannity and Colmes and on all the Faux News shows. And noone wants to say anything like maybe..... Bitch your a fuckin liar. Because God forbid you accuse a woman of all things....LYING! HAAHAHAHAHHAHA I mean Kobes in trouble for screwing a slut. The womans got another mans semen in her while shes screwing Kobe! Thats fucking gross. I pitty Kobe for having to stick his dick in that rotten slut! Now supposedly there are some injuries but they are not serious. In fact they are said to be consistent with injuries gotten during rough sex. Now if Kobe hurt this girl and she told him to stop and he continued to hurt her he needs to be prosecuted whether shes a slut or not. But if she was just star struck and laid down with this man and is now having second thoughts just because some of her friends convinced her she could make some bucks off of him then I hope she rots in hell. But back to Clinton. Paula Jones and Jen Flowers proved that they are gutter sluts when they took their clothes off for Hustler or Penthouse or whatever. Yes you are a slut if you take your clothes off for money. You are immoral and certainly wouldn't be above lying for money either. Not that I have something against immoral sluts. I love looking at them nekkid in movies magazines etc etc etc! :) Thank God for immoral sluts! Either way to destroy a man that way is bullshit and these women deserve no quarter.


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