Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Kerry Edwards is a strong ticket.....and the GOP knows it! HAHAHA

For the last few months, especially on the right wing radio talk shows all the talk has been of how Kerry was on his knees to John Mcain begging pleading him to be his running mate in the November elections. This of course is ludicris. Any idiot knows that John Mcain is all republican. Even though he is a fair republican (which leads alot of people to think hes a left leaning person ironic but true) he is a staunch republican. Noone with a brain cell in their heads actually believed that Kerry was trying to woo Mcain. Much to do about nothing as people are so fond of saying. The actual reasoning behind the rumors is the same reasoning behind all the Hillary comming to save the election bullshit. It is an attempt discredit the actual nomeni. Anyone can see it. I don't fancy myself a Sherlock Holmes. By saying a weak candidate like Hillary is comming to the rescue is also saying that Kerry is the even weaker alternative. By saying that he is to the left of Ted Kennedy is saying hes worse than Kennedy. By saying that Mcain is refusing to run with Kerry is the same as saying that Edwards is a second choice. Not very subtle at all. Only the weakest of minds would actually buy into it. Luckily for Bush America is full of people wanting the media to make their decision for them. Kerry has ran from the beginning until now a fairly clean campaign. Bushs record isn't that flashy. Daily he is giving Kerry more ammo to use against him. The economy that he speaks so glowingly about is still kind of limping along. The solid production and growth numbers are hamstrung by low wages, slashed payrolls, and high debt. Not to mention the whole WMD thing and the contrived war in Iraq. Bushs good news is being trumped by the bad. Kerry on the other hand likes to talk about a change. America needs a new direction. So far that direction is vague and they are beating him to death with that. But to tell you the truth Bush never did lay out his plans for America. Other than taxcuts, taxcuts, taxcuts! Oh that and a missle defense system that still, after 25 years, don't work. What has the taxcuts accomplished? Well so far for me? Nothing. I am still without a contract at work for the last 4 years. Imagine no payraise for 4 years. Still with fuel, food, insurance (car and home) medical....... all have risen dramaticly. With my taxcut I guess I probably bought 15 or 20 gallons of gas. With the increased local and state taxes on everything from license tags, to property, I think my tax cut was eaten up and then some. Mr. Bush am I better after your four years? Nope. Mr. Bush am I going to give you another chance to make good on your promises? Nope. Kerry gets the nod from me if only to get things moving in a more positive direction. We can't do worse. We can give someone else with a different approach the chance and probably be better for it. Give em hell Mr. Kerry.


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