Sunday, August 29, 2004

PTR 91

Thats a Heckler and Koch clone of the G3 or HK91. They no longer can import these weapons into the country and the US has been flooded with junk resembling the G3. I for one have been trying to buy one for years now. I have a friend that has a Portugese version of the German HK 91 but he built it off of a reciever that had been cut into 3 pieces so it's kind of rough looking. He wants like $600 bucks for it and I have threatened to buy it. However I have found what I am looking for. The PTR-91, is hopefully the answer to my prayers. I traded my M4A3 in on it and the guy traded me even. I lost a little money but gained alot more gun. The M4 is a wussy gun as far as I'm concerned. Don't get me wrong, the .223 is a nice potent cartridge (for its wussy size) but in the realm of .22 caliber rounds is occupys the lower rungs of the Varmint ladder. The .220 Swift and the .22-250, run rings around the .223. Now the .308 on the other hand is a nice meaty cartridge. While it kind of occupys the middle of the road of the .30 cal high powers (with its above average muzzle velocity, and energy) it does have the distinction of being the most inherantly accurate of the .30 cals. It hits harder and shoots farther and more accurately than a .300 Savage .30-30 win, .303 Brit, 7.62x39 R, and the 30-40 Krag. Its comparable to the .30-06, and the 7.62x54R although a bit slower. All these .30 cals are deadly and supurb calibers. I just happen to like the affordability, the comfort, accuracy, and the all around use of the .308. It's, in my opinion, the best all around caliber. Good in close. Good out long. In the brush, open range whatever. Now I know what you are saying. There are calibers that alot of people like better. If I hear another person tell me how fast a .270 bullet goes or how flat a 7mm Rem Mag shoots I think I am going to puke. I could go out and buy a 7mm mag and shoot it some. Probably once a year getting ready for deer season. And put it back in the case and wait until next year. Hooooooo Hummm. While that rifle is sitting nicely in its case, I am out on the range ripping it up with a SKS or some other cheap semi auto. My Yugo SKS is amazing. For 150 bucks its the best rifle I ever bought. At 47 dollars my Mosin Naggant M-44 is my beater. It kicks your brains out but at just 10 cents a round its so much fun to bang away and work that action. People on the range beside you think your a madman. At my range there are drums that are mounted in front of the shooter. I guess to keep the concussion from hitting the shooter beside you. They are lined with foam rubber to further deaden the sound. All the concussion comes back in your face. Your hair blows back and it generally gives me a stiffy. Anyway I was shooting that M-44 and the concussion actually blew the foam out of the front of the tube. Anyway my point is the .308 is a damn fine caliber for anyone that wants to shoot up some cheap rounds and still have that feeling in your shoulder at the end of the day like you shot something manly. The .223 don't cut it for all you AR fans out there. Might as well dust off the .22 as shoot that wuss gun............uhhh did I say that outloud just now?

Friday, August 20, 2004

Najaf, Chechnya......what's the difference?

When the Iraqi US war started, or should I say when we started the US, Iraqi war, I was quoted as saying that Bagdad will be another Chechnya. Well it turns out I was wrong. But not by much. The Iraqi people are resisting our occupation. Who could blame them. The situation in Najaf is getting worse by the day and will continue to get worse. If the insurgents have not gone by now they are not going to go anywhere. The United States seems reluctant to move in to the city and root out the rebels. This is due to the fact that Bush cannot have another setback in Iraq if he wants to win this election. As long as he keeps the bad news spread out somewhat, the American public can take it. All it's going to take is 20 or so guys getting killed in some kind of dramatic fashion, such as a helo crash or some kind of botched operation al la Mogadishue, and Bush is toast. Now I am not wishing for such an event. I hope things work out over there. The only problem is that things cannot work out over there. The strategy is all wrong. First of all we are shoveling money over there hand over fist and getting nothing in return. Our guys are getting kicked around over there. Halliburton is skimming off of the top and subcontracting the real work over and over until you have a peasant with a cart and a pick building the school for 50 bucks. The Iraqi military that we have trained are a disappointment to say the least. In fact they even fired on our guys! These rats will turn on us in a heartbeat if the conditions permit. Want to know the right strategy? Well good for us its already too late to do the right thing. The right thing was to involve our allies in this mess. It seems the UN is good at negotiating peace treaties and hammering out details about nation building. We are good at neither. Our allies would have been shouldering the burden of troops and money, plus we would have looked more like peace keepers than occupyers. Now who knows what is in store for us in the years ahead. Certainly more trajedys will unfold for the Iraqi and American people. God Help Us.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Bush still sucks

I just had to add this little rant about the asshole Bush. I hate his ass with a passion. I hope America mobilizes like never before to remove this jerk from office. He makes me sick. Ok. Rant over.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

AR-15s suck

Ok. I know what you are thinking. This guys off his rocker. I have been a big opponent of the AR-15 for years. I have said everything from its underpowered and unreliable, to it being a failier altogether as a battle rifle. Then I go out and buy one. Seduced by its mean sleak looks and the promise that it shoots flat and straight. Some of the things they don't tell you about the thing is that its kinda junky feeling in your hands. You can look at it and tell by the close clearances and the refined look of the metal and finish that its a high quality piece of hardware but it still does not change the fact that when you shoulder the weapon it feels really unsubstantial in your hands. Light yes but junky. Fairly easy to point and shoot though. Accuracywise this thing is a shooter. But then again so is my 150 dollar SKS. I can't speak for any other SKS but those Yugoslavian M59/66 SKSs are very accurate. At least out to 100 yards. Thats all the bigger my range is. With cheapo Wolf ammo, a cheapo Target Sports scope, and a mucho cheapo BEC scope mount, I can group 10 shots in a 4 inch group every time. No matter how hot the barrel gets. Now to be fair the M4 of mine has a barrel that is 6 inches shorter, and has a 20 round mag that groups 20 rounds inside of a 3 inch group at 100 yards and it dont matter if the barrel is cold hot warm whatever. I'm not a sharpshooter by any means. I never claimed to be. The AR is a more accurate gun. I am taking the SKS deer hunting this year however. Bullets are twice as big but thats not the big reason. The biggest reason is that the AR-15 is the most uncomfortable gun I have ever shot. There is absolutely no recoil at all. NONE. Which surprised me. I have shot other semi .223s before and there is a little recoil. The AR-15 has none. What it does have is a concussion blast that hits you dead center in the forehead everytime you squeeze off a round. I actually got a head ache from it. From that and the fact that all the bullet gasses hit you right in the mouth for some reason. I shoot left handed and the ejection port is on the right. If you shoot 20 rounds off rapid fire you almost choke from it. Some other intangibles that I had a problem with is the sound of the spring going "boing!" inside of the stock everytime you shoot. It gets to be an annoyance. Although a small one. Some other nitpicky problems, but the biggest problem I have with this gun is the ear shattering report. Now I have shot many guns in my time. Most of them I have shot from time to time without ear protection. Recoil don't bother me if its around the .30-06, .300 Win Mag range. All kinds of things about a gun I can take pretty much in stride and accept that as a characteristic of the weapon. The report on an M4A2 can only be described as incredible. I don't know how far the report carries but I do know that the shooter will experience actual pain. I did. I decided that I was going to shoot this rifle, to acclimate myself to the sound before I go hunting and shoot it in the woods, without hearing protection. I mean if some dude breaks into my house I don't want that to be the first time I hear this guns 'bang'. I shot one time and my left ear felt like it had burst. Like I said I have shot many guns before without hearing protection. I'm not some puss that never shot before. It was an amazing sound. To imagine our soldiers having to shoot and shoot and shoot that thing I can only pitty them. So in an abrupt closing I like my AKs better to plink with and to hunt with. Hands down. I can only imagine that the AK is a much more substantial battle rifle as well. Remember you heard it here first.