Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Abramoff scandal is a GOP scandal, make no mistake

Now I for one believe that just about all politicians are crooked. Most if not all have taken money or goods of some kind in exchange for a favor, an audience, anything, at one time or another. That is common knowledge, and the fact that DeLay can sit there and look surprised and angry about being implicated in this just proves what a cock he is. If the people of Texas re-elect that man in the face of what he has done then they all deserve to be swallowed up in the hollow Earth. What is known about DeLay is damning in itself. What is alleged about him is criminal and I hope the fucker goes to jail. Little chance of that however since government has proved over and over that it believes itself to be above the law. This is a funny story so you may want to pay attention. I was watching Faux the other night. That is something that I do from time to time. Actually this starts with me listening to the last 10 minutes or so of Bill O Asshole and the first few minutes of Sean Hannity. O really was waxing on and on about how the Abramoff scandal was a bipartisan scandal and that the liberal media was showing themselves by telling people that it was a GOP problem. He even went as far as to say that in the end there should be 6 GOP and 6 DNC guys indicted so that the public would know that Democrats were in it just as deep and the Repunklicans. Good plan Bill! Only problem is that in the Senate there have only been 3 Democratic Senators implicated! While 20 were implicated on the GOP side of the aisle. That is almost half of all the Republicans in the Senate! Are you sure this isn't a GOP scandal? Well maybe it's not. How bout the House? No less than 30! Now House Democrats are less scruptulous than the Senate ones. There were 8 on the take in the House. Now you can bet that this is just the tip of the iceberg. You can also bet that this is all we'll ever see. The fucks in charge will make sure that there is a whole lot of back scratching going on. Especially in DeLays case. I just love how Oreally likes to play pretend and act like he's just a regular Joe and tells us all the truth. Last I checked regular married Joe's with children don't call up women and tell them what they would do to them with a loufa, in a shower, on a tropical island. Regular Joes also can't afford to pay millions to the lady to keep her mouth shut. Even in the face of facts that DeLay is a tird, and that there are many more Republicans in trouble with Abramoff than Democrats Oreally calls this a bipartisan scandal. No Spin Zone?! My Fuckin ASS!! Hannity just doesn't give a fuck. He mentions several Democrats that are in trouble with Abramoff while saying absolutely nothing about the scores of Republicans that are balls deep in Abramoffs pockets. He also defends DeLay to a fault. Even Republicans think he's a scumbag. Hannity does too but he's just such a liar that he will say anything to promote himself and his agenda. Kinda like Ann Coulter but without the hairy upper lip. I guess scumbags need to stick together to keep from getting their asses kicked.


Blogger Bulletstopper said...

shaddap fag!

3:51 PM  

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