Wednesday, January 04, 2006

West Virginias miner trajedy

I have to take a break from my usual BS commentary and offer my prayers and condolences to the friends and familys of the men that were trapped in that mine in West Virginia. I went to bed last night feeling pretty happy about the fact that 12 of the 13 miners had been rescued alive. My first thoughts this morning were to get an update and to see what they had to say about their harrowing ordeal. It was a kick in the guts to find out that the information about 12 being alive was false and that only one had been pulled alive from the mines. What gave me some solace was that maybe the miners died quickly. Even this turned out to be so painfully untrue. They died down there trying to save their own lives. They lived for a long time. Some had probably passed away just hours before being found. They were so close, and that just magnifies the terrible agony. I can't imagine the pain the families must be feeling. Being taken to such heights of relief only to come crashing down in some twisted heap. My thoughts and prayers are with them. They were so close, and that is gonna haunt me for a long time. God bless them. May they rest in peace. And not to be forgotten. I also thank God for the one survivor. May he find peace and a speedy recovery.


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