Friday, January 06, 2006

Bush and this administration can burn in hell

I am getting really tired of Bushs crap. He and his cronies are going way too far supposely trying to protect us. If the fucks want to protect us get our troops back here and post them on the fuckin borders. Seal this place up tight. But no. Hardly anything has been done to secure our borders and other than me having to show my ID 50 times and take off my shoes nothing has been done at the airports. Our government is infiltrating old ladies bridge games and opening peoples mail. They are tapping our phones and reading our email. They are perusing our blogs (fuck you guys by the way). They are putting us in jail and throwing away the key. Now just the fact that I can say this without fear of being put into one of these jails is kind of hipocritical. I am just playing devils advocate. American citizens are in fact being arrested and kept locked up with little or no explanation. This is a fact that is admitted by our government. It's not a big deal. As long as it's not you or I anyway! Now I know that our government pretty much has always done what it wanted since it was created over 200 years ago. The only difference now is that Mr. Bush is trying to justify it by saying it's legal. It is indeed a slippery slope that we are on. Mr. Bush is investigating the press, presumably to bully them to stop reporting so hostily towards him. His logic is that if we prosecute for revealing a CIA operatives name, then we prosecute for revealing his illegal domestic spying program as well. He is trying to muddy the issue by portraying the whistleblower as the bad guy. It's an old corporate trick. Law enforcement always push their powers to the limit. So does the government. Then they do that crap where they step over the line every once and a while and push it just a little further. Next thing you know we got political prisoners in the US, Big Brother, and a worthless Constitution. I don't want criminals to have any unfair advantages but I am not going to give up my rights out of fear. Bush doesn't know when to quit and will continue to take our rights until the day he leaves office. He says he's doing it for our own good but with his propencity for paranoia, I really believe he's afraid of us. What a little man he is.


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