Friday, January 06, 2006

Pat Robertson needs to STFU already!

In this world there are many people who just need to shut the fuck up. Pat Robertson is one of those people. The man cannot let an event go by without saying something retarded. World Trade Center blows up? Gods wrath for all the homos in New York! Tsunami? Pat Roberson just chalks that up to God hating dot heads. Leader of Venezuela calls Bush an asshole? Well Pat Robertson believes that we should just go down there and shoot him to save us the trouble of an invasion. Hell with it if its illegal! It's Gods will! The Prime Minister of Isreal has a stroke and Pat Robertson is telling his people that it's one of Gods mob hits because hes pissed at Sharone for making peace with the Palestinians!! God hates peace! Didn't you know?! Every time Pat opens his mouth he marginalizes his group. The funny thing is, is that they know it. The only one who is not privy to Robertson being a dickhead is evidently Robertson himself. Now thats not to say that there aren't herds of assholes out there sending Pat fist fulls of money. There are. Unfortunately, it's still illegal to kill stupid people. So it seems there is no end in sight for Pats rants. I kind of take a little satisfaction in that. As long as Pat is alive he will continue make all those of his kind look like jackasses. And thats always fun to watch.


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