Monday, January 09, 2006

Editorials are for Assholes

I have come to a conclusion about editorial pages. They are strictly for assholes. Now don't get me wrong, I like to read them. Hey! I'm an asshole! But while I'm reading them I am always thinking of what a fuckin dumbass the person is. I mean they let any jackass with the 20 cents to buy a pen write into the editorial pages. Sometimes I think the people are so retarded that I find myself compelled to write into the page and tell them so, but then I realize that I will be putting myself in the same junk bin as them, so I refrain. Personally I can't really blame them for looking like mental cripples. They only have a few paragraphs at the most to voice their moronic opinions and thats really not enough. Thats why I have this blog! I have an endless supply of time and space to express my omipotent thoughts! Some person in the editorials yesterday was telling everyone how stupid they were for buying into the theory of evolution strictly due to the fact that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time. Ok. Now the carbon 14 datings on religious artifacts are used by theologens to verify it was Moseses toilet seat or whatever. But for some reason when they use the same process to date dinosaur bones its junk science. Come the fuck on! I just left a page devoted to the theory that both humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time. It says in its huge body of evidence that many people even today report seeing, killing, and even people being killed by, dinosaurs. They are using the Lochness Monster to support their theory? Are you cracked!? heres the link. You can go there and see that for yourself. Also they are telling us that if you can't talk to every person that ever lived then you can't prove that humans never saw dinosaurs. Well I'll tell you what if I use that logic, now me being a Christian remember, I have never "seen" God. Adam supposedly lived to be 900 years old. Now he can't prove it so it must have never been. He also says that Noah had dinoaurs on the Ark. Now I'm sure this man has never seen the Manifest of the Ark so how the hell does he know? Well he says that it says so in the Bible............OK. That is your undisputed evidence? Only half of the Bible is there and for the most part I read the King James Bible. I have one upstairs. I really can't believe that God did what the Bible says he did. Now I know God is God and he can do anything if he wants but I'm telling you what God does in the Bible and what God really did are different. It is not Gods style to create anything in 6 days. To create life it takes almost 10 months. Gods gonna do a whole world in 6 days, complete with every kind of plant and animal, including dinosaurs? I think God takes his time. Time means nothing to him so why the hell did he get all in a big hurry? Well I'll tell you why. It's cause the creation was laid down from myths told around village fires for thosands of years. People created circumstances and events so that they could explain what they didn't understand. Peoples most primitive curiosity is, where do we come from and why are we here? It is something that has driven alot of our most amazing discoveries. God put that desire for knowledge in us. That desire to know. So why the hell would he tell us every aspect of our creation very specificly, but won't tell us Jack about anything else? My point is that people that don't believe in God are wrong. In the beginning, the instant of creation, God set in motion a chain reaction. A line of dominoes. He could have spent eons setting up all the correct dominoes so that life would emgerge. Maybe he did it with a snap of his finger. Who knows. I know the Bible thumpers don't know any more than your or I. I hate it when they get all condescending. I hate it when the professors do the same. If they would just work together they would find that God will fill in the blanks to each of their theorys not the Bible. God set evolution into motion. Simple.


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