Monday, March 06, 2006

Ban stupid people not soda!!!

I'm sitting here typing on my computer and drinking a big fat 22 ounce plastic bottle of Black Cherry Vanilla Coke. Oh hell yes it's fuckin good too. Would be real nice mixed with some Capin' Morgan. Now these fucks wanna sue the soda companies and stop me, or at least make it harder, for me to drink my favorite drinks. I like soda of all kinds. Better than beer because I don't care what kind of beer you drink, a soda is gonna taste better. Plus if I spill soda on myself, it's not going to make me stink like beer will. Now don't get me wrong. Beer has merits all it's own. Especially if I wanna get drunk. But I don't drink non alcoholic beer. Why? Because I drink to get drunk. Not because I like it so much I wanna taste it. Soda has been with us for well over a hundred years. In fact didn't you know that religious types wanted to ban soda? Well if you watch the Food Network or the History Channel you would. Yeah these asshole Bible thumpers from the early 20th century wanted to ban soda fountains because the drink was soooooo tasty it was sinful. In fact. Sundaes were given their name due to the fact that they were allowed to be drank/eaten on Sunday due to their not having soda. Is that fuckin nuts or what?! These same fucks today want to tell you and I how to live and what we can and cannot do. Insaine but true. Well these people from the early 20th century were not all that fat. You wanna know why? Because there was no welfare. There was no TV. There was no Playstation. There was no sit on your ass activities whatsoever! If you wanted to play you had to work for it. Baseball. Tag. Outside activities. Watch the fuckin little rascals. You will always see those kids playing something physicly challenging. At least remotely challenging anyway. Most kids today don't do jack. Adults neither! Me included. I ate McDonalds for the first time when I was on vacation probably when I was 5. Other than that my parents never took us. We would go to Pizza Hut once and a while and the Sizzler or whatever but even that was rare. My kids eat at McDonalds or one of the other fast food restaurants probably at least once a week. They love the shit. Now my kids are not overweight. My son plays football and baseball. But he also sits on his butt and plays video games and watches TV wayyyy too much. My wife won't let me get rid of the fuckin TV. I would if I could. I hate TV. Anyway. My daughter is more of a hands on kind of kid. She loves to play with dinosaurs and play things that involve running around. She's like a rail. My son while not fat has more meat on his bones. He's perfectly content to sit in his night clothes all day and watch TV. You have to blow his butt off the couch. This is the problem. Everything is automated. I can do just about every aspect of my life from right where I'm sitting. With the exception of working which for me is physicaly taxing alot of people don't do any kind of physical activity. Stupid people give their kids loads of soda and fast food. Lazy people who don't feel like cooking or putting up with the market are what is making our kids fat. Automation in every aspect of our lives. And finally. To me the most significant thing causing fat people. We are shifting from a society that worked with it's backs, to a society that works with keyboards. We don't even have to walk into a bank anymore. We get out of bed. Brush our teeth with electric toothbrushes. Raise our electric garage door openers. Drive to the ATM. Order fast food and go back to the house to eat it in front of our computers while paying our bills online. Then we order a pay per view movie with the remote control and fall asleep on our electronic lazyboys with a greasy bucket of chicken on our bulbous exposed bellys. This is why we're fat. Not because McDonalds laces the fries with heroin, or because Wendy's secretly desires to give us cancer. They are just making money. We are the pieces of shit that skulk through their drive thrus begging for chicken strips so that we don't have to cook for ourselves. The Anti smoking pricks that are making lawyers rich all around the country have finally ran out of steam. They are trying their hand at second hand smoke but I hope they hit a brick wall. Knowing this legal system and how this country works I would suspect that thousands of secondhand smoke "sufferers" will get big money in the comming years. That too will end and the blood suckers will need another cash cow. Pepsi and Coke have deep pockets. Mcdonalds and Burger King are strapped with cash. They are next I guess. I hope the guys at Anheiser and Busch don't think they are immune to this crazyness. Their time is comming.


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