Monday, March 06, 2006

Who is Mila Jovovich's agent?

Ok. Let me begin this by saying that I like guns. But all the guns in the world are not going to save Mila Jovovichs career! I mean it's like piling chocolate coating on shit. No matter how much chocolate you put on it, it's still shit in the creamy center. If I'm not mistaken this woman started out as some kind of modeling prodigy. That probably was working out well for her. She was probably in some after school specials but then was kind of a passive character in the movie Dazed and Confused. Again. Not a bad career move. She received top billing even though she had few lines and was not remotely featured in the movie. Then came the Fifth Element. Kind of a Hudson Hawk kind of movie. Coincidence that Bruce Willis was in it? I doubt it. While it had an allstar cast and had that summer blockbuster kind of feel to it, it was lousy. I have tried to watch it several times but have never been able to do it. Again guns made the movie worth trying to watch, but the movie made it impossible. Enter the Resident Evil Series. I admit. I was rolling my eyes when this thing came out. I wasn't a big fan of the game as it was. I mean how can you make forty-leven sequels of a crappy game that really never changes.......and get away with it. Tomb Raider tried but failed. What made this one special? Well that's a bitch for a different time. Well they came out with a movie. I watched it on Spike TV and to tell you the truth it was actually pretty good. Cheesy but good. It had that B movie thing going for it that let's you keep watching simply because you know you're not paying to do so. I liked it. When they came out with Resident Evil 2, it was expected but I had no idea how they were going to do it. It wasn't as good but it wasn't too bad. Then Resident Evil 3 came out.......I mean Ultra Violet. In this story she's a geneticly enhanced super soldier. Wasn't that the plot of the last 27 movies she's been in? Come on. The only thing she has accomplished is endearing herself to a bunch of greasy fingered geeks at comic book conventions. Aeon Flux was released not 6 months ago. Underworld. Underworld 2. Blood Rayne! That tirds stank is still fresh in our nostrils. Now this? Is it my imagination or do shitty plots about comic books make just as bad a movies when the protaganist is some hot chick or is it just me? Mila's just cashing a check I suspect. Feeling that her time has past she just wants to get as many movies in the can as she is able. What's next Mila? I know! Here's a boffo idea! Even Ultraer Violet.........2! Hollywood is wondering why their boxoffice receipts are going down? I got one word for you. Vehicle. People like to watch movies. Not vehicles for stars. Arnold made a career off of this crap. People also got tired of him. If Arnold still made money in his movies do you think he would be governating? Oh hell no. Arnold cashed the big check on End Of Days and then checked the fuck out. Yeah he made T3 but it sucked. Bruce Willis can't made a good movie to save his life. The Sixth Sense was good, but it was good because you weren't sitting there saying to yourself, "Man I wonder what Bruce is gonna do next?" You were into his character. Arnold is always Arnold and people are tired of Arnold so he's done.


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