Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bill Oreally threatened some guy hahahahaahahah

Listening to the Bill Oreally show on the radio the other day I was kind of perturbed to hear him mention that Faux's security was going to be getting a hold of some guy that he eliminated from getting on his show. The guy evidently, and I am guessing, came out and told Bill to fuck off. Well I would tell this piece of shit to his face if I ever see him, because as you may or may not know, he is just a man. A man in dire need of a severe ass whipping. Anyway he just kicked the guy off his show. While this is certainly his perrogative, and an acceptable response, he just had to talk shit. He went on and on about how he was gonna report the guy to Faux security! Oh! I bet he's shakin! He's gonna be confronted by faux security and be held accountable! I bet he's heading for his hideout right now! What Bill is really pissed about he can't say. His screeners missed someone. His screeners usually send people that suck Bill off. You're a fine American Bill! Your cock is so massive Bill! I am suffering from submissive wetting just speaking to you Bill! These people have no shame. Such cock boys. Anyway. Anytime Bill gets sent someone he claims to "destroy" people that he confronts on his show and on the radio. Well I really don't think Bill is destroying anyone. He claims France is collapsing due to his Boycott. Walmart and Target continued with their Holiday message and for some reason have not went out of business. The reason? Well the Factor is not really that popular. He's always telling us how popular he is. He evidently has the same cock fucks telling him about his popularity as our illustrious president. He does indeed have a high ranking cable news show. Maybe number one! He also has alot of listeners to his radio show. But when you look at it compared to even unpopular television shows you will see that his audience is really not that large. Insignificant. I talk about what a asshole Oreally is and alot of people don't even know who the guy is. Now Oreally would say that I am comparing apples to oranges. That I am being part of the left wing conspiracy that hates him because he's beautiful. Well Bill if you added the amount of people that hate his ass? I would suspect that a large majority dislikes him. Distrusts him. Explain why David Letterman was allowed to spank his ass on his show and and a lightweight like Phil Donahue DESTROYED his ass right in his own studio! It got so bad that Bill Oreally actually threatened to throw him off the set! HAHAHAHAHAHA This was due to Oreally trying to insinuate that Phil disparaged his nephew going into the service. This of course was totaly off base and Bill knew it. He was just tired of getting shamed on his own show. He had to do something to break Phils choke hold! It was amazing. Bill never has people of any substance that disagrees with him on his show due to his indefensible positions. And he will totaly back off of alot of positions when pushed. He'll studder and stammer and look alot like his bitch ass president. That's why you won't see him outside of his show unless he's got a book to peddle. Oreally for kids? Oh my God! If that's not a sign of the appocolypse I don't know what is. All adults that give this book to a child should be locked up and then beaten about the head and face. Talk about indoctrination! Parents have hard enough time getting their kids to read important things without clouding their brains with that crap. I got an idea! How bout the Bible?


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