Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bush to the Eskimos....Fuhgetabout It!

The Eskimos have added their name to the mounting list of "alarmists" that are concerned about the changing weather patterns in the Arctic. Bush just dismisses them as liberal rabblerousers, that are trying to make things difficult for his oil and coal boys. Brazil is pretty much self sufficient as far as it's energy needs go. We in the US are crippled with slavery to the oil companies. If oil stopped flowing into this country it would shut down within the day. The talk about reserves, and how our future is secure. You know who gets the oil reserves? The US military thats who. The military that will be gunning people down in the streets trying to preserve the union and stop the chaos. But thats a chance Bush and his kind are willing to take. We need to stop depending on others to provide for our energy needs. It's a crime how vulnerable we are. That alone should be enough to wake these assholes up to the fact that it's past time to act. I'd dance a jig if the oil ran out tomorrow. At least then we could get this country straighened out. Environmentaly, and governmentaly. No longer would oil and wealth prop up these piece of shit politicians and get them into office. It would force someone with revolutionary ideas to finally get to be in charge. My biggest fear is that the Earth will give out before the oil supply does. Our Earth can only take so much abuse, until it just shakes us off like so many ticks. Why our people put up with idiots like our leaders is beyond me.........oh yea I forgot. We are retarded!


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