Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bill God man, if your people only knew

I find this really funny. I, for the first time, read, in full, the accusations that came from Andrea Mackris. Now I cannot believe that Mr. Ohreally would take this crap from this woman and not sue the pants off of her..........UNLESS the accusations were true. She came out with this and the entire transcripts of his weird ass bullshit on The Smoking Gun. In fact heres a link.
You have to read it in its entirety to get the gist of how fucked up Mr. Ohreally is. Now I love women. But I would never disrespect one like this piece of shit did. But then again, I have morals. Mr. Ohreally does not evidently. He's just a piece of shit that has his entire audience buffaloed. People still call him a great American and buy his kids books. Wow I want my child to emulate that fucker. Not. Anyway. The transcripts speak for themselves. I will warn you. There are parts that shocked me, and I'm not easily shocked. If this wasn't true, I know how Bills mind works. He would have went on one of his crusades. One of his self important, holier than thou rants. Only this time, he couldn't because the woman had tapes and I suspect played them for Mr. Bill. I would have loved to see his face curl up and his finger jut out ready to point it, in all its stankyness, at this woman......only to have to shut the fuck up because he knew she had him by his fucking balls. Oh to be a fly on that wall........ How would you like to be Mrs. Bill Ohreally? I bet she's fuckin pist! But she probably knows the piece of shit fucks around. Shes just in it for the money anyway. Whats she care if he's pokin someone else as long as she gets her slice? I shouldn't say pokin'. I should say, tryin to poke! Cause the fuck fails miserably. Not for lack of trying however, and that's what most women would have left his sorry ass for. Any self respecting woman anyway. I have to admit to you, I wanted this woman to push it and not give in to the money aspect. I was hoping that she would stand on principal and take Bill down. Turns out she was alot smarter than that. She knew she was through as soon as she blew the whistle so she needed to cash in as completly as possible. Bill, or Faux or a combination of both paid this woman handsomely to shut the hell up. And with a big check cashing grin on her face she did just that. At least Bill was true to form and had to flap his big mouth in the beginning. He tried to make the woman look like some kind of extortionist. If he had just kept his mouth shut and knew that he had been beat and paid the woman outright, he probably would have gotten away with it. Well, it doesn't really matter anyway. Bills fans are too stupid to care that their hero is a piece of garbage. That's OK. Bill is gonna fuck up again. And I am gonna be there to laugh at his pathetic ass.


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