Tuesday, March 14, 2006

No Civil War My Ass!

I really don't know what these people are waiting on. In the words of John Murtha, "According to the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition, the definition of a civil war is a "war between political factions or regions within the same country." That is exactly what is going on in Iraq, not a global war on terrorism, as the President continues to portray it." Now if Bush admits there is a civil war in Iraq then he has to admit defeat. This is due to the fact that civil wars are notoriously long winded, and pointless. Countrys are always worse off after the war than before it. Nothing is gained. Just one side beats the other side into submission. The good guys don't always win. Look at Vietnam. That was a civil war the we voluntarily got ourselves involved in. If we try and draw parallels between Vietnam and Iraq we will find that the two are pretty different. One striking difference is after 3 years in Iraq we have lost 2309 men/women. If you consider that the US began sending advisors and troops to Vietnam in 1957 it took the Vietnam war until 1965 to reach those casualty numbers. 1965 is the first year that US troops engaged in offensive operations in Vietnam. Supposedly we are still in a support role in Iraq. Pointing the Iraqis in the right direction and letting them do the fighting. Public opinion is lower for the war in Iraq than the war in Vietnam. We have exclusive control over the skys with little or no anti aircraft except for small arms fire. In Vietnam we lost hundreds of planes due to intense Surface to Air Missle fire. Our enemy in Vietnam was well supplied and battle hardened from years of fighting the French. Our enemy in Iraq is poorly supported, and poorly trained. We should have wiped the floor with these guys a loooong time ago. Only thing was the asshole in charge underestimated the insurgency from the start. They allowed it to get a foothold. Now it's entrenched, and is gonna be hell to shake. It's taken on a life of it's own. Zarquaoui and Bin Ladden are not calling the shots. It's an entity of which there is no leaders. Just alot of pissed off eople in small groups that are busting the shit out of our guys. Now to be sure we are killing alot of them too. In Vietnam we were killing them 20 to 1. In Iraq, I'd say that our casualty ratio is alot closer. They are blowing our guys up without ever engaging them. With roadside bombs. Yeah, Iraq is alot different than Vietnam. There is one similarity however. They are both pointless wars designed to benefit people who do not deserve the desired outcome. The Vietnamese didn't want what we were selling. They just wanted to be left alone. It didn't matter to them who was in charge they just wanted to live. In Iraq, they want the freedom. Or at least that is the feeling that I get. The difference here is they are just going to sit back and wait for it to be delivered to them. Now what kind of people would do that? I'll tell you. Pieces of shit. They don't deserve freedom. Not unless they get of their asses and take it. Not be led by the nose. If there isn't a civil war, then there should be. These Iraqis need to rise up and throw out those that are keeping them from what they want. They shouldn't need us. We sure as hell don't need them.


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