Tuesday, March 21, 2006


My town. My little podunk shitpiece of a town, has Drudge on the radio. It's this very reason that America is so fucked up. You see. Out in the heartland, there are very few news outlets. My town in particular has a very elderly population. This due to the fact that the numerous factories that used to provide jobs around here are now all closed down. The other people in the population are for the most part avid hunters, and gun nuts. The bad kind of gun nut. The kind that thinks any gun control is bad. That is a story for another time. Anyway. Being out in the heartland, as I am, the news comes from the talk radio from the only local AM radio station, and from a really crappy local newspaper. Cable is not as widely spread here as it is in large metropolitan areas so you don't even have the CNNs the MSNBCs and the Fauxes to balance (HAHAHAHA!) it out. So these old people sit around and listen to these people. Now we start in the morning with some jackass you've never heard of named Dave Norman. He's a fuckin asshole but he pales in comparison to the rest of the days lineup. Next we have Laura Ingram, Bill Ohreally, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Drudge, and rounding out the lineup is Michael Savage..............all fucking day long with this shit. Until after midnight. Then you get George Norry. You know that crazy fucker that has people that believe in aliens on his show all the time. I can tell when my father in law has been listening because he will repeat verbatim what has been said on the radio that day word for word. Now Dr. Laura used to be on but I guess she was too much of a lefty hippy to grace this shitpile of a radio station. This is what my town is basicly forced to listen to. No wonder I'm surrounded by idiots.


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