Monday, March 13, 2006

Still the same Iraqi troops from 1991

These are the same pieces of shit from 1991. It takes the United States 8 to 13 weeks to turn a raw recruit into a soldier/sailor/airman/marine. It takes about 2 years for that same recruit to become special forces of some kind. You mean to tell me that after 3 fuckin years the Iraqi army is still just stumbling around and bumping into walls? Bullshit. We're not building an Army, number one. We are building a militia that can patrol and can act as a security force for the Iraqi civilians. All we need are guys that can go to a village, surround it, and confiscate whatever contriband they have on hand. Is that so complex that it takes grown men that are fighting for their country over 3 years to figure it out? We have the best trained men in the world with a blank check basicly getting these guys in fighting shape. I bet you could take 1000 retards and have them in better shape than the Iraqi guys in less than 6 months. This is just one example as to why things are so fucked up over there. 700 Iraqis enlisted in the Army. When it came time to show up for duty to be integrated into their companys, only 400 showed up! Then the first paycheck was issued and these guys just disappeared! Less than 200 showed up. Before their first OP they got their strength up to almost 300. That's why this bullshit is taking so long. Because the Iraqi security forces are a bunch of cowards. Why we are fighting and dying and paying for these pieces of shit is beyond me. Leave them to their own devices and let the chips fall where they may. Bring the guys back and deploy them in such a way that we can defend ourselves from the supposed deluge of terrorists that will head our way. Fuck those assholes.


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