Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Old people are stupid

Yes. I am going to confirm something that you have all known for some time. Old people are stupid. Not all old people. Just most of them. This stupid club is not exclusive to just 80 and 90 year olds. Lots of 50 year olds are plenty stupid as well. It seems that the group of people my mother in laws age and up, have a higher concentration of the dumbass, than other groups. Case in point. I was over at my mother in laws house, making fun of Harriet Myers. You know. The sweet old lady that baked G W Bush cookies on Christmas when he was govornor of Tex-ass? Anyway, I made a statement about how it's funny that of all the judges that Mr. Bush had to pick from, he had picked one of his own personal lawyers.... She then preceeded to tell me that Harriet Myers would probably turn out to be the, "best supreme court judge ever!" Now why did she say this? Did she have some knowledge that I didn't about the circumstance? Was she privy to some info that I was not that justified this pitiful appointment? No. Evidently she had heard that the woman was a Christian and that evidently that was good enough for her...... One more example of old person stupidity. My sister was renting a house. Evidently the elderly woman did periodic inspections of the property.......while my sister was out. Now on a sidebar the woman was more than welcome to inspect her property, but you can bet your ass at the first possible and most inconveinient time my ass would be out of there. Now back to your regularly scheduled program already in progress........ This woman found "syringes" in my sisters sink and strewn throughout the house. "Under couches, in the bathroom. Allover!" Well what the hell was the bitch looking under the couches for anyhow? Then she presented my sister with the "evidence" that she was shooting up heroin. The same evidence that she was going to present to child protective services........ Little medicine droppers. Not the kind with the little rubber bulb on the end. The new kind that kind of look like syringes, but without that ever important needle you dumb bitch! If you had your thinking cap on, and was not so busy trying to get this woman convicted, and thinking the worst of people, maybe you would have realized this! Last example then I'm finished with this. I know an old guy that was the president of his local union. He works for a lawyer trying to get money for retirees that were exposed to asbestos to the point they now have cancer. His health insurance is over half of his monthly income. And he supports Bush. The president that has his cock firmly planted in this mans ass, is the president that he likes! He emphaticly believes that Saddam Hussein blew up the world trade center. He thinks that terrorists are going to "Take us over". He also thinks that John Kerry gave himself his medals. Now where did he learn this? On Faux? On CNN? On CBS, NBC, or ABC? No. From TBN. The Trinity Broadcasting Network. Yes he listens to televangelists to get his news. Like alot of old people, he thinks that watching TBN and the like will get him into heaven. No my friend it just kills braincells. So. Like so many of his kind, he votes for his president based on what the stupid fuck Pat Robertson tells him. Now how can you get any dumber than that?


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