Friday, August 12, 2011

Britain don't take no shit!

This is in regards to the rioting that took place in Britain last week. None of this Habeius Corpus crap. If they saw you on video your ass got hauled in. You're 12? Get in the fuckin paddy wagon punk! You're a community activist? To the clink with you bitch! They were slow to react but once they did, the London police started cracking skulls. You wanna have an organized protest this weekend? Well guess what it's banned. Over in this country we always make our problems worse with politicaly correct hand wringing. Who are we gonna piss off. What group is gonna think were singling them out? Well fuck that. If your dragging a trucker out of his hack and beating him in the head with a bottle I don't give a fuck if your poor, or black, or that your daddy molested you. You ceased to get my sympathy when you decided that because your lifed sucked you were gonna take it out on someone else. Tired of that sob story. Get your ass in the fuckin cage if you wanna act like animals.


Blogger Bulletstopper said...

It was bound to happen. People are getting pissed about the harsh sentences being given out by the British courts. Personally I like tough sentencing. This bullshit about not wanting to ruin people's lives over one bad decision. Too fuckin bad. If you didn't want to get in trouble for stealing a bottle of water then you should have listened to that little voice in your head that told you not to go out and participate in a fuckin riot! You probably stole the water to quench your thirst from all the trashing your community you were doing! I did stupid shit when I was a kid. No doubt. But when I got caught doing shit I knew not to do, I got hammered. Period. That is the price you pay for getting caught. There was no evidence against me. No admition of guilt. Just a judge that said you accept this punishment for something were pretty sure you did. If not were gonna investigate. And anything we find is gonna be pursued and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! I said, Where do I sign!? These people needto buck up and accept their punishment. Just too bad they had to learn the hard way.

7:38 PM  

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