Thursday, August 18, 2011

NRA needs to leave me alone!

Just last some dumb bitch from the national rifle association calls me and plays me a message from the NRA president. Something about a UN weapons ban. Something about take g our pistols and shotguns. Something about riots in the streets and us not having any way to defend ourselves. He went on and on and the gist of the message was loud and clear. The black Muslim man that lie cheated and stole his way into the whitehouse was to blame! When the lady came back on the line she asked if what I had just alarmed me... I said,"Not really". I heard a sound as if someones heart had just lept from their chest. I then got a very curt, "good day". Then she hung up. You see I have a subscription to guns and ammo. Is it because I five a shit about my gun rights being taken away? No! It's because I love guns and ammo! If I wanted to hear from the NRA every other day I subscribe to, "Dickheads who try to scare people into giving money to the republican party weekly," or some shit like that! They're trying to convince me that the UN and President Obama want to ban guns in the US. The President has said he supports people's rights to bear arms. Both houses of congress support our right to bear arms. Local police and sheriff departments support our rights and so do nearly every state. The supreme court has supported the right to bear arms in every single decision. So what the fuck is the NRA trying to pull? Well they're lying to us. And that's bullshit. They are just a lobbying arm for the republican party. Right now they are slinging as much mud at our President as they can seeing how much they can get to stick. Well no fucking thank you. Good day in fuckin deed!


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