Saturday, August 20, 2005

Intelligent design is far from intelligent

I am hearing more and more this business of "Intelligent Design". Now it's not shocking to hear religiously tinged info around the news and internet but these revelations are comming from an unlikely source. Politicians. Any modern day Christian that takes heart in that fact is a moron. Politicians are notorious liars, theives, and base every word comming out of their mouth on what their advisors tell them to say. Evidently this bullshit of people voting for their "morality" rather than who they think is best suited for the job is having even farther reaching effect than I first anticipated. I say this not because I am against morality. I say this because any jackass that thinks Bush is moral does not know the definition of the word. Bush supposedly got elected because he mobilized the Christian right. That is nowhere near the truth. The Christian right has been pretty damn mobile since the mid 80's. Mostly because all the hippies and coke heads of the 60's and 70's grew up and now feel guilty for being godless heathens. They now try and stomp out fun wherever they find it. Sure they got some worthwhile causes like reducing abortions but in the end what they want is for all fun on the planet to be snuffed out. I am getting off the point. Anyway Bush won the election because the socalled youth movement that was going to supposedly take over the election and get Bush out of office never materialized. Apparently these lazy do nothings care as little about their own well being as they do about anyone elses. Intelligent design is just another way that the christian right is trying to force religion into schools. With all these moral people in this country it's a wonder I have to lock my doors. I mean really. How can you teach intelligent design without preaching? The entire premise is that some guy in space makes the universe in 7 days. Actually 6 if you believe the crap that God needs rest. I remember learning evolution in school. They touched on it for a few weeks every school year for several years. I had some pretty good teachers. I had some shitty ones too. Most of the time the shitty ones taught the classes you actually used. Contemporary World Issues class was taught by a good man. My Geometry and Calc was taught by a dickhead. Chemistry and Biology were taught by bitches that would never explain anything. Ask a question and I would be told "I can't believe you don't get this!" So I stopped asking questions and got C's in my later sciences. I loved science until it was beaten out of me by shitty teachers. I hated English but loved the teachers. I got A's. My point is that religion cannot be allowed to be taught in schools. They barely teach the classes they got right now. Creation is a question that has been asked since the beginning of time. Evolution makes sense. Who's to say that God does not drive evolution? The creating the universe in 6 days garbage is nonsense. God is nature. Nature moves slowly. It takes millions of years to make a diamond. Millions of years for islands to form. Millions! These yahoos say that dinosaurs and man walked side by side. They have no Biblical reason for saying this. They just know that if they admit that dinosaurs and man existed in different eras they would have to admit that the Bible is wrong or at least misinterpeted. Intelligent design is poorly thought out and based on the Bible. The bible is sacred. It has alot of historical facts in it. Gods word is indeed within it. What it isn't is clearly written. How someone on this Earth gets qualified to decide what God wants is beyond me. How are they going to mold a theory based on the Bible to make sense to a child and not sound like some fuckin fairy tale? Are they going to include the part about everyone on Earth comming from Adam and Eve? Are they going to include the part about the Garden Of Eden and how we got thrown out because we ate of the Tree Of Knowledge? My favorite is that once they ate the fruit they all of a sudden developed modesty and put on clothes. In church you can get away with stuff like that because it's all based on faith. What goes on in a classroom has to be based on fact. Or at least what stands as close to fact as we can muster. Evolution fills that bill because it makes sense. It has yet to be disproved and until that time it must be considered as viable. These yo yos want to teach your children their form of religion when only a parent knows how they want their child to worship. That is exactly why religion should be kept out of school. I don't profess to know everything. I just have a problem with assholes that think that they do.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Mr. Hines Ward of the Pittsburgh Steelers is back. Thank God. Give the man the money he wants and let's play football.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Piss on Oprah

Well it was only a matter of time before Oprah would get on here. I have left lots of space here for hate speak about Oprah. I am an equal opportunity hater. I hate lots of black people as well as white people. I actually avoid watching Oprah at all costs but when I was switching though the channels today I saw the big "O" talking to some ugly graying bitch behind some glass. At first I thought she was like the bubble boy. I was intrigued. So like a jackass that can't take his eyes off of the trainwreck I watched. Turns out Oprah was talking with the psycho bitch that ran over her husband a few years ago because she couldn't take it that he had his dick in some other hoebag. Not only is she talking with this turnip. She acts like she is sympathizing with her. I mean that bastard deserved it! was the vibe I was getting from Oprah. It's funny because the guy she ran over. You know. The father of her children? Can't tell his side of the story. He can't tell you that the bitch was fuckin nuts. He couldn't tell you that he did everything in his power to get the woman to divorce him but the stupid bitch just couldn't take the hint! I personaly think the guy is a tird. If he wanted a divorce then fine. He should have waited until the divorce was final and then screw other women to your little dicks content. But NO! He wanted his cake and eat it too. He wanted to not rock the boat with his kids with a divorce and still be able to fuck around. Don't work that way. It doesn't bother me that she killed him. It happens every day. What bothers me is that since it's a woman killing the cheating man, the woman is some kind of hero. If I found my wife in bed with another man came in and beat her to death with a club do you think Oprah and I would be having interviews? If I had an abusive wife and one night I decided to cut off her tits do you think people would laugh and let me off? Hell no! My ass would be in fuckin jail for the rest of my life and Farah Fawcett would be playing my wife in a made for TV Lifetime movie. I am of course talking about the Lorenna Bobbit that cut off her mans dick because he was an asshole to her. If I was a teacher and was fucking my students do you think the courts would give me a second and third chance and allow me to continue to teach until they finally had to put me in jail to keep me from having sex with minor girls? AGAIN HELL NO!!! There is a rash of women teachers that are screwing their students and noone seems to care! It's a bullshit double standard. I personally think that prisoners that commit murder, rape, child molestation, burglery I think 95 percent of them deserve to be drug out in the street and hung by the neck until they be dead. I don't give a rats ass about how a society only being as civilized as its prisons. I want law. I want order. I want a person to pay with pain and miserable death if they harm a child. I want a person to have their hands cut off if they steal to support their crack addiction. I want people practically beaten to death if they force themselves into an old persons house and scam them out of the little bit of money they have left. Justice in my world would be swift and it would be fair and it would be old school eye for and eye shit. Some prick rapes a girl? His sentence would be to wear his dick and balls in a jar around his neck the rest of his miserable life. Some bitch runs over her husband in a fit of jealousy? She gets the fuckin chair. None of this pity for people just because they are white, black, man, or woman. Now at first blood would be running like a river in this country. Getting people to stop murdering each other and raping each other and having sex with little kids would be surprisingly difficult. But once all the dead weight of this society. The dregs that drag us all down. The murderers, the rapists, the molesters, the addicts, the theives. Once they are all gone. You would finally be able to trust one another again. Your doors could stay unlocked at night without fear of some crack addict comming in and shooting you with his thirty dollar pistol for a jar full of pennies. You could let your children play in the backyard without thoughts of some freak taking them and dropping them in a ditch somewhere. It's gotten to the point where I take my kids to school. I do not let them out of my sight in a store. They can't play for long in the backyard without me hawking over them. I do this because I know that I could not survive without them. Then you got Oprah........Fuckin whore is trying to justify the killing of another human being because she is jealous. One of the ugliest and basic of all human emotions. Jealousy. Most of us can control ourselves. There are those few that get carried away and run over their cheating husbands and then back over them again with their children in the car. This woman deserves to be dropped off of something high onto something hard and left for the crows to pick out her eyes. The comes along Oprah. The woman who people trust with their lives! People do what this woman tells them to do! Oprah comes along and trys to glorify what this woman did and justfy it. Well I can't let people get away with murder. I can't let them off the hook that easily. The woman is going to burn in hell. With any luck Oprah will be right along side her.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Pit Bulls Need To Be Banned

First of all let me just begin this by saying I hate pit bulls. Dogs in general are dirty, smelly, pains in the ass. I have one myself but not by choice. My kids love dogs. And while most dogs will get a nice scratch behind the ears and a friendly pat I really could take them or leave them. When my wife and kids started wanting a dog I started thinking about what kind of dog I could stand living with. A nice small dog that didn't eat or shit much was the dog for me. But my wife hates "yippy" dogs so we thought some more. My family had a German Shepard when I was little. Very loyal, protective dog. I was bitten by him once when as a very small toddler I took something out of his food dish. Nothing serious but still a capital offense for an animal in my book. I believe my parents to be very irresponsible for allowing a German Shepard around their kids. It's bred to guard things. It's not suited as a family pet in my opinion. So anyway we decided on a Golden Retreiver. Absolutely beautiful dog. Long white golden coat. Very dosile. Bites me all the time but really just nips. You can tell he's purposely not biting hard because he knows he could hurt you. Never growls except for when someone comes in the driveway. I trust him around my kids. Now I have known many people that have had pit bulls. Every single one of them has a story about how someone got attacked. A neighbor or a cousin or whatever caught their dog on a bad day and moved wrong or yelled too loud and their dog attacks for whatever reason. Every one of them has a story like this! Now they tell these storys like I'm supposed to be impressed that they have such a powerful dog. I just smile and nod. What I'm really thinking is "How fuckin dumb are you?" A person has a family. Small kids. So the first thing you want to do is go out and buy a dog that has a very well known reputation for being unpredicably violent and prone to outbursts. I realize that it's the owners fault that the dogs are able to attack their neighbors children. That's why if a Pit Bull or any other kind of dog for that matter, ever attacks one of my kids then he will deserve the same punishment that the dog is going to get. And that is a .35 cal hollowpoint in his head. It infuriates me that people are free to maintain nucences in this country that can potentialy harm their neighbors. I could care less if some jackass farmer has a thousand pit bulls on his farm. But if some prick moves a pit bull into a neighborhood full of kids then that is crossing a line. It is putting all of them at risk. Anytime you hear of an attack its always some kid down the street that gets his face chewed off. If they had to watch their own children getting mauled they probably would be less likely to bring a menace like that into their home. I don't just feel that pit bulls should be banned from public ownership. I think that attack dogs in general should be banned. I think dobermans, pit bulls, german shepards, whatever should not be owned by someone that don't need it. If I could I would put all the pit bulls of the world into a giant rocket and lauch it into the sun. But until that day the only thing I can do is impress my influence upon my little corner of the world and make it the best it can possibly be.