Thursday, December 29, 2005

Clinton Getting The Blame From GOP..........Again

Even after 6 years William Jefferson Clinton is still getting blamed for just about every problem under the sun. A strategy of one Mr. Karl Rove, and one that has permeated all of GOP politics. When all else fails, you can always blame Clinton! Case in point. A study was just released saying that children 8 to 12 are having some kind of skyrocketing oral sex thing. Well obviously Clintons to blame! Or so says the talking heads in the GOP. Give me a break. All the good things that Clinton did. The foiled terrorist attacks, the strongest peacetime economy ever, 4.3 percent unemployment, the 4 or 5 percent drop in those living below the poverty level, getting his cock sucked in the oval office. They refuse to give him credit for any of those things. Well they do give him credit for the cock suck thing. Not only do they give him credit for that, they give him credit for starting a revolution of amongst children that were 5 years old when he left office! I personally can't remember what I was doing when I was 5, but I do know that keeping up on the presidents sexual habits was not among them. I did know who was pres. Even with all the bad press out there, I really had a good opinion of Jimmy Carter. I think he just had an honest face. Which goes to show you that I was not exposed to the press crap and even if I was I couldn't understand it. So to derive that those kids are doing this because Clinton inspired, or somehow exposed them to it is rediculous. But don't tell that to Sean Hannity or others of his ilk. **(note: I use the word "ilk" to describe the dickheads who agree with Sean Hannity because he uses the word at least 15 times a show. He got it from Rush Limbaugh and like others mouthpieces for the GOP he feels he has to use it also to give what Rush says legitamacy. For example the GOPs use of the phrase "Evil Doer", and "Political Assassin" and my personal favorite, "Weapons of mass destruction related activities".)** They will grab on to anything they can to try and pin some kind of blame on Clinton. All in the name of destroying his legacy. They try and build up Reagans legacy all the time. The funny thing about Reagan is that his presidency defines him. That is all Reagan has. He was a dickhead as Govornor telling protesters that he was gonna have the national guard kill them. "If there is gonna be a bloodbath then let it happen now!" He said that to his own countrymen! Presidents like Clinton, Carter, and even Bush Senior are using their presidencies as platforms to do good for their fellow man. Using their presidencies to catapult themselves beyond what they had already accomplished. What have you heard of Reagan doing outside of his presidency. Well ............nothin! Because he was a shithead that needed to be propped up by rhetoric and saber rattling. If it hadn't been for the arms race and his dispatching of the pesky Islanders of Grenada and killing Ghadafis children Reagan would be remembered for stealing from the American people to give money and arms to terrorists. He would also be remembered for getting 200 plus Marines killed in Lebannon. He also should be given credit for creating the environment that Osama Bin Ladden sprang from. Oh the thing Mr. Asshole, I mean Hannity loves to take credit for vicariously is the tearing down of the Berlin Wall.............come on Mr. Hannity. The cold war lasted almost 50 years! Reagan caught the tail end of it. The hard work had already been done. Only thing Reagan had to do was scare the bejesus out of the Russians and get them to believe that we were actually crazy enough to start a nuclear war. Well Mr. Reagan played the part of psycho very well.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Drilling in Anwar is just a BS smokescreen

All the crap about drilling in Anwar. It's a matter of national security! They say. It will make us less dependent on Middle Eastern Oil! They say. It will make just a small footprint on the wilderness! They say. "They" seem to say alot. The funny thing is "They" never seem to be telling the truth, and when it comes time to pay the piper, "They" are always inconspicuously absent. I find it funny that while "They" sit around and bitch about not having enough oil for our country, "They" are also hard at work exporting almost 10 percent of it. Now if oil were to supposedly give us all this security, why would we be making ourselves less secure by exporting any of it. The answer is they get better prices for it elsewhere. If it were up to the governors and senators of Alaska they would be exporting all of it. You see, when Alaska began exporting some of it's oil overseas back in 1996, they began to see that they were making more money off of it. Oil revenues went up as a result of export for some reason. Now they want to drill in Anwar to give us more oil to make us more secure. Well the Alaskan oil goes mostly to the West Coast of the US. The West Coast contrary to popular belief has plenty. They don't need any extra right now. The extra would be subject to export and consequently increased profits for the oil companies. Boy it's funny how this centers around money. I guess they will need all that extra money to buy us more security right? Probably not. Mr. Shell will get a new Yacht maybe. Mr. Politician will get his nice fat kickback surly. And you and I will pay the oil companies with our tax dollars in the form of grants and taxcuts/breaks and higher gas prices, for them to go up there and make themselves money. I pretty much find the entire charade sickening. Security my ass. It doesn't bother me so much that everyone on "Their" side is lying. Trying to tie our security to a relatively small cache of oil. What bothers me the most is all the assholes that really don't have a dog in the fight, trying to blow sunshine up my ass about how this is gonna make it all better. The President assures me that the oil fields will be about as big as the Dulles International Airport. Well yeah it will at first. But there is no provision that says it has to be that big in the bill. It can be as big as they need it to be. It could end up destroying the entire thing! Now really I don't much care about the refuge. It's nice to have but I could take it or leave it. Don't confuse me with a tree hugger. I just hate lies and hypocrisy, and this is chock full of them.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Happy Holidays? Merry Christmas? Who gives a shit!

I for one don't give a rats ass if someone tells me Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas. Personally I would rather them just leave me the fuck alone, but if someone is gonna say something to me Happy Holidays is one of the things that I, as a decent human being, can take. Merry Christmas? Fuckin A! At least they won't be telling me what people normally tell me which is more often than not a hearty middle finger. Sometimes just a flapping of the jaws behind a tightly gripped steering wheel and a snappy fuck you is enough for some people. I actually read that some priest got all bent because he was sent a Christmas card from GW Bush that said Happy Holidays, and not Merry Christmas! GASP! YOU FUCKIN ASSHOLE! If the president is sending you Christmas Cards, especially a pres like Bush who is constantly licking your nuts, then you'd better be fuckin appreciative. I mean Bush is down on all fours for these guys and they have the nerve to say, "If he's truly an evangelical Christian he's sure not acting like it." Because of a Christmas Card? Get a fuckin GRIP! Actually I thank the prick child molesting asshole that said that because after that became public the rauchous debate kind of hit a brick wall and it disappeared from Faux News. I mean every night they hit on that point about how people that didn't say Merry Christmas were all worshipping Satan and that businesses without the words CHRISTMAS emblazoned prominently on their store fronts should be boycotted. John Gibson was constantly pimping his new book. THE WAR ON CHRISTMAS..... can you think of any more of a melodramatic title than that? Even Bill Oh Really? weighed in with some over the top, beyond anger crap about HES not gonna shop in these stores! Then they did the unthinkable. They took a shot at the Bushmeister. Then as if by magic. Tolerance broke out and businesses and people were forgiven. It's hardly mentioned anymore. Yesterday Bill Oh Really? actually said, after weeks of stating to the contrary by the way, that, "I'm not going to announce a boycott on these stores because it will hurt people and that's not what we're about."......WHEWWWW!!! I bet Walmart just unclenched their colective teeth! I'm sure they were cowering waiting for Bills endorsement! Even Sean "Yes thats cum on my chin" Hannity has barely touched on it since. Now some members of my family still think that there is some kind of underground effort to remove Christ from the HOLIDAY season. I will spell this out for anyone that will listen. The reason that they say Happy Holidays and not Merry fuckin Christmas is that if they say Happy Holidays they can put the Christmas signs, decorations, goods, whatever out before Halloween. The earlier they put that crap out the more they are gonna be able to cash in. Whether they say Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, or kiss my ass, it's all to do one thing and that's make money. I have seen photocopied Merry Christmas signs on the front doors of Sears and other stores. That makes me want to vomit. They actually think that if they put that crap out there I'm gonna say "Boy look at these good Christians. Sears is the store of Christians! I will give them my business and my hard earned cash!" Fuck that. I buy shit whereever I can get it cheapest. If just because Walmart puts up a Merry Christmas sign sure as hell don't make them goodly. If Salman Rushdie had Pepsi 2 liters for 50 cents a jug you can bet your sweet ass I'd be in line with a whole cartload. My point is that these born agains, or evangelicals as they call themselves these days, want to believe that the entire country is comming around to their way of thinking. Some blonde blue eyed woman gets kidnapped and reads some bible verses and all of a sudden they are friends and the man turns himself in. The Bible soothes the savage black man! Wait a minute. Turns out the guy used to be her dealer. Meth addicts need dealers you know. Turns out they didn't have some revelation due to reading the Bible. The were doing METH! Wow. If she's really an evangelical Christian she sure isn't acting like it. God that was a tangent. Made no sense but I had to throw it in there. Merry Christmas, Merry Holiday, Happy Kwantza, Good Ramadan WHATEVER! Just stop bitchin America! People quit listening a long time ago!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Sony PSP is a heap of shit

Now I know what you are saying. "Hey! How can you say the PSP is a heap of shit when you have never played it!" Well I will tell you. It's 250 dollars that's why. It's a handheld that costs $250 dollars! It plays old ported Playstation games on a 3 inch screen. There are few games for it. It has been buggy. It has one thing going for it. It's all shiney and black. It's slick looking on the shelf and makes a really nice status symbol for all the spoiled little brat teenagers out there whos parents evidently have more money than brains. It's specs are too die for! It has a browser for you to look up porn and it .....GASP!!.... plays MP3's! After all of that the Pitiful Nintendo DS is still whipping its ass in sales! I admit the DS don't look like much. Especially in that dorky silver color. The other colors look much better. It's not as fast wirelessly. It's speakers are smaller, although they sound better than a PSPs. It's batteries are smaller, although they last hours longer than a PSPs. A DS to my knowledge has no browser. It has no MP3 ability. What it does have is fuckin games to play! If I get the PSP I can get a Metal Gear Solid port. WOW! Metal Gear Solid sucks. Really. Have you played it? Gay assed bullshit storyline. "Snake. Do you think a man can fall in love on a battlefield?" "Yes. Yes I do." How gay is that. It's the gayest thing since gay came to gaytown! The game is almost as bad as the first 3 games of the Resident Evil series. How anyone can call that crap cutting edge gaming is beyond me. They need to get themselves a fuckin PC game like Half Life2. Good voice acting. Top notch story. Bad assed graphics. Makes the 360 look like garbage and that was from over a year ago. Another knock on Xbox ports. Have you played Halo online? Supposedly the end all be all shooter from xbox live fame.....................It's a hot steaming tird. Booooooring in the extreme. Anyway. Back to the DS and PSP. The DS has very little advertising. They have advertised some games but as far as the actual DS being advertised it is practically nonexistant. The PSP on the otherhand Sony has actually paid taggers to spraypaint images of kids playing with PSPs on the walls of allys and shit. I guess it's to make it seem more of the street and urban. Even though it will be suburban white kids playing the damn things. It worked for rap music. White kids will buy anything. That is the only explaination for YU GI OH and power rangers. Anyway after all of Sonys jockying. After all the crap with Sony dumping on Nintendo and the DS saying that they will overtake the DS shortly after launch. After all that and a year of sales later. The DS still leads the PSP in sales in the US. It is actually crushing the PSP in Japan. One big huge reason for this is the lack of games for the PSP. If the PSP had to stand on its own as a gaming platform then it would be in the tank already. The UMD movies that people choose to spend 20 dollars on to watch tiny movies is evidently keeping PSP afloat. The DS has no such lifeline. It lives or dies on its ability to make better games. So far it's doing just that. The WiFi is just gravy. If Nintendo and come out with that title that trancends Mario Kart possibly Metriod Prime Hunters or Animal Crossing: Wild World, they will really be able to make some hay. People are dying to pay money for something that they consider to be a bargain. The DS while still pretty pricey, is the best buy in town for handheld gaming. Get one. Get two! I have bought 3! No shit! One broke because I sat on it while it was open. Door broke the hell off. I will buy another. I want me and my daughter and son to play Mario Cart, and Animal Crossing. They will get a kick out of that. Me too I guess. I can't wait for Christmas!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fuck Blog Bots

I can't believe there are actually blog bots. Bots for whatever reason to spam your blog to get you to go to their blog. That's kind of like the penis enlargement spams you get. The scary thing is if the spam didn't work then people would not be doing it. I mean a spam mail message comes up "POINK!" And some guy is saying to himself, "Damn! I never realized how small my penis is! I must have this penis enlargement elixer, for just 3 easy payments of $19.99!!" I can't believe people are that stupid but it certainly appears to be the case. Porn bots I can understand because most people don't really expect some hot chick on the other end who's name is HotA$$69 to be ready to talk with them. I realized that chatrooms are chock full of them and they have become excruciatingly annoying. No more annoying than the blog bots however. I wish a pox upon all your houses for the act of preying upon stupid people and annoying the rest of us with more than one braincell. I hope you all go flat footed to hell.