Friday, July 29, 2011

Fire their asses!

I have waited a long time to weigh in on the debt ceiling crisis. The reason for this is mostly that I didn't believe these morons would push this as far as they have. They have somehow figured out how to fuck up a system that has been working fine for over 200 years. The cornerstone of this system is compromise. These assholes won't compromise on anything! You look at any great accomplishment of mankind. It's full of people working together to reach a common goal. You can't work together if one person has to have their way all the fuckin time. I know this and I'm just some dumb fuck from West Virginia! These people have sheepskins long as my arm and they can't figure this out?! Pull your heads out of your asses and get the countries business done! If these idiots can't get it done. If they can't get the job that we sent them there to do done, then they should take each and everyone of these fucks out of office and replace them with someone that isn't afraid to put the good of the country first! Ahead of whatever dickhead that's writing them a donation check.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Senator Lori Klein of Arizona! You ma'm are a fucking moron!

I hear about your little stunt. You carry a loaded pistol into the Arizona Senate every day. Big whoop. Number one the pistol you have is a piece of shit. A pink plastic piece of shit. The article I read says it has no safety and a laser sight?! Did you get it at a fuckin pawn shop? If you had any sense and was actually prepared to concealed carry you would have it secured in some kind of holster not just bouncing around in your purse. Noone would even know about it. And did you actually point a loaded gun at a reporters chest and tell them not to be afraid because your finger wasn't on the trigger? Supposedly your dad taught you firearms safety. Well if that's so he did a shitty job because the first thing a person is taught about firearms is you never point a gun at something you don't intend to kill. They are not cut little pink toys. They are deadly serious tools that can never be taken lightly. People like you make me sick. I can't carry a gun because of the state I live in but I am infinitely careful with fire arms. You act like your gun is part of your makeup case. Get some fucking respect senator. Respect for the deadly capacity of the piece of steel you flippantly carry in your purse, and respect for those around you. Those you are putting in danger with your carelessness.

Abby Wambach?! Who the hell is that?!

Now I have to admit it. I could give two shits about who wins the Espy awards every year. I have never been inclined to watch it and I can't imagine EVER being so inclined. BUT (you knew that was coming) I do feel compelled to discuss the awards show here today. I am going to refer to a certain Abby Wambach (spelling?) who plays soccer for the United States World Cup Soccer team. She scored a goal in the final few seconds yadda yadda yadda. While I'm sure women's soccer is a wonderful sport, and that Miss Abby is a lovely girl, there's no way in he'll and Gods green earth that THAT was the best play of the year. Hell Uconn stuffing WVU on the one yardline (and I'm a WVU fan) was a better play. Jeters homerun was better! Dsean Jacksons punt return was better. Troy Polamolus jumping over the entire defensive and offensive lines to crush that Titans QB that I can't remember who just retired was hells alot better. My point is ESPN has a stake. They televise men's and women's worldcup soccer. Have invested millions upon millions. After all of this they are getting mi imal returns despite what ESPN says. They created a buzz. People watched. It was boring. The us men's team blows so people aren't gonna get into it. Did I mention soccer is fucking boring? Anyway what better way to generate excitement for the upcoming final than create a controversy. Sports people are gonna be all up in arms. They're gonna watch the goal. I suspect this Abby chick is hot. They think they can sucker guys into watching just like suckers Guys into going to their website expecting to see Danica Patrick draped across the hood of a car only to be disappointed to find a domain seller. Poorly executed ESPN.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

There's never been any justice so why are people surprised now?!

Supposedly this country was founded on a few basic principals. You can sum them all up in one short phrase. Liberty and justice for all. Well, you might ask the Indians how they are lovin all this liberty and justice. I am of course getting to wade in on the nutless wonders that are the jurors is the Casey Anthony trial. These people have got to be the dumbest most gullible most worthless pieces of shit to ever grace the jurybox. Well other than the morons that acquitted OJ. They swallowed a story from a habitual liar that none of which could be proven. Ignored all the facts and evidence and set that little bitch free! That waste of breath is now set to make millions off of killing her daughter! Now we have to stomach TmZ following her around and taking her picture like she's a fuckin celebrity! Book deals reportedly as much as a million dollars? I really can't fault Miss Anthony. She's just doing what comes natural to her. Being a slut opportunist is her natural state. Who o really have the most repugnance for is her fucking evil lawyers. The ones that cooked this bullshit up and served it to the retards that sat on the jury. Anthony repeatedly lied to police and incestigators. Lied to her family and friends. Made up a job, a nanny, an address, a boyfriend! And now were gonna believe her?! Were gonna believe that just because they thought her family was dysfunctional that excuses her from not telling anyone that her own child was missing for 31 days while she carries on like nothing was wrong? How fuckin stupid does this woman think we are!? Evidently pretty fucking stupid because not only dis she get away with killing her own child she's gonna profit from it. I guess if anything symbolizes the American way these days that pretty much sums it up. Fucking disgusting.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Andrew Keegan got what he deserved

Evidently there must not be a whole lot going on in the world today because we were treated to the glorious sounds of some Hollywood dipshit getting tasered. Oh yes.... and it's glorious! I have had several run ins with cops in my day and I have learned several things. One thing is cops like calm and passive. Give a cop calm and passive and you can be on your way. Give them even an inkling of lip and you can forget it. Got pulled over for a tail light one time and hadn't done anything. Little bit of attitude got me a ticket and almost a nice fine. Got pulled over another time for doing 85 in a 40, was meek as a lamb and didn't get shit. This dumbass Andrew Keegan was approached by the police. Was told to turn the music down. He got a little familiar with the guy. Thought maybe the cop was joking. Well turns out the guy might have been having a bad day, and they put the boots to him. I say good. Cops don't have time for that bullshit. Yes sir! I'll turn the music down! Would you care for a fruity beverage? that's all it takes and everyone would have been on their way. The pity party train don't stop at my address. Especially when it has to do with these shit bag actors.