Monday, May 31, 2004

I think we've missed the point

In the whole big scheme of things we have missed the entire point in Iraq. Number one, over 900 troopers have died in Iraq in just over a year. People say to compare this occupation to Vietnam is irresponsible and wrong. I for one agree. There are way more people dead in Iraq now than during the first year of Vietnam. If you count the first year of Vietnam, officialy beginning in 1957, there was only one person killed. Now if you wait a little it takes until 1965 for the United States to build up the troop levels of today in Iraq. Now after 8 years the troopstrength is 140000 or approximatly what we have in Iraq now. After 8 years the deathtoll in Vietnam was just over 2200 men. We are near 1000 in the first year of Iraq. In 8 years how many US dead will there be? Who knows. We are walking a tightrope there. People say that they would rather be fighting over there than over here. Well so would I but realy people, there have only been two incidences of foreign terrorism on our soil in the history of the United States! I think we are doing pretty good considering that the rest of the world is a punching bag for terrorists. Europe during the 70's and 80's was raped by terrorists in bombings on airplanes and in airports hijackings on ships etc. etc. etc. What did Europe do? Well for one thing they increased internal security. Been to a foreign airport lately? They had troops in airports for decades before we finally thought it up. Hear about terrorism in China? Hmmmmmm. Maybe its because their internal security is so damn tight. Now I certainly don't advocate the lengths that China has went to but here in the US this bullshit of being proactive against the terrorists is like trying to crush a fly with a hammer. You can't go after targets like that with M1A1 Abrams tanks. If we want real security, we need to come back home and actually defend the homeland. Piss on the Iraqis. If they wanted their freedom so fuckin bad maybe they would have fought for it like our forefathers did. Freedom easily won is freedom easily lost. Yes Saddam used to use blowtorches and hammers on his people but hell thats all he had. We are dropping 500 pounders on them guys. Who cares how you kill them beit poison or hatchets or an AH-64 Apache. The point of the whole thing is we are spending money to do what Saddam did for free all these years. We should be spending this money and effort securing the homeland. If we keep the shipping lanes open with the Navy and protect the homeland with the Army then the rest will take care of itself.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I knew it!!!!!

I knew it. All along I had my suspicions. It's all the left wing medias fault for what has happened in Iraq. Or so the administration wants you to believe. It was the media that took the pictures and leaked them to the people of the world. It was the media that intructed these men and women to sodomize, torture, rape, and murder these prisoners. It was the media that buried the Weapons of Mass Destruction so deep so that somehow we can't find them. It was the media! Of course it was! How could I have been so blind all this time. I bet those bastards in the media have killed the 900 plus coalition soldiers too!........................Yeah..Right. Mr. Bush is running against what is in fact a very weak opponent. Kerry is very uninspiring and I am going to vote for him anyway but the man needs to show some fire. Bush on the other hand is a "good ole boy!" Heck! He probably even drinks beer and eats barbeque!!!! Whoooo Weeee! He is a turnip though. You can just tell he is manipulated and very thin skinned. He won't read the papers or watch the news. He gets all his info fed to him by his advisors. No wonder the man seems like hes out of touch! To him everything is grand! The Emperor and His New Clothes. You remember we read it in the second grade? This is just like out of the book. Remember when we all thought The Emperor was a big retard? All smug thinking he was too smart, too good, to not be able to see what it was his advisors (I mean tailors) were talking about? So he just played along? Ended up walking through town naked? Well Bush has that look on his face right now. Hes too stupid to know that all his tailors (I mean advisors!) have pulled the wool over his eyes all this time and now he just stands there looking like a fool. Well Mr. Bush I think you have some people to blame. Too bad its not the media. It's people with names like Rice, Wolfowitz, Chenney, and Rumsfeld. I would love to be a fly on the wall when Bush realizes that these people have duped his dim ass. Bush will turn around in disbelief and all four of them will just stand there and shrug. It will be classic. I just hope the media is there to see it.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Sean Hannity Needs His Head Examined

First of all let noone have any illusions; I hate Sean Hannity with a passion. I have never met the man. I have never seen anything from him other than what I have heard on the radio from time to time and on TV. I know nothing of the man personaly other than the fact that he must be an asshole. The ramblings that this man is prone to usually are a hodge podge of carefully constructed fabrications. Usually some truth is in the rants but he skillfully leaves out any details that don't suit him. The other day I was listening at work as I am held hostage on Fridays to listen to Mr. Hannity as my work partner owns the radio and he picks the station. I was listening and heard him get all in a huff cause the liberal media pays more attention to the iraq prison scandal than to Nick Berg getting his head hacked off. What he seemed most pissed about is that most media outlets chose not to show the entire head hacking tragedy. Now. He also has a guest on the show that says that almost 70 percent of Americans polled want to see it............. I have talked to several hundred people about it in the past few days and not a single one has seen or wants to see this mans tragic final seconds. It's possibly one of the most gruesome things that I have heard of in my life and I really can't bring myself to watch it. I can't believe that Hannity and his cronies are considering this must see TV. Of course they also have a facination with wanting to show the WTC crashing down as often as is possible and take their young kids to see The Passion. That is a whole 'nuther story. If someone wants to see the Nick Berg beheading, there are numerous ways for them to do so. The internet has thousands of uncut, uninterupted copies for curious souls to behold. I used to watch the faces of death movies when I was a kid and during the first 15 minutes or so my friends and I would wince at the violent ends of these poor individuals. Then after a while you would just watch it like any other movie. You get dead to the violence. Numb to the deaths. I don't want my kids seeing Mr. Berg getting killed. Why Mr. Hannity wants to show them is beyond me. I personaly think that everyone knows that getting your head cut off by Jordanian terrorists is a bad thing. We know it was an evil act. We already know it was sickening. Why would you need some Airbag on the radio telling you what you should be seeing on tv. Mr. Hannity. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Friday, May 21, 2004

Just when you think you have heard it all

Just when you think that the prison scandal couldn't get any more disgusting, the talking heads, namely Sean Hannity Rush Limbaugh and Jim Bohanan, are beginning to try to justify what they have seen. Mr. Hannity says that the tortures endured by these Iraqi men, women, and, yes in a few cases, children, are nothing compared to getting your head chopped off or being burned alive in the world trade center. Well for one thing no Iraqis were responsible for the 911 tragedy. Second the people who chopped of Mr. Bergs head were from fuckin Jordan. So now justify it to me. Assholes. They really think we are stupid. I think we must be do a certain degree because if you listen to the rush and hannity shows the next day you hear verbatim their words comming out of other peoples mouths. I prefer to come up with my own conclusions after looking at facts. These people make up a "fact" derived from a 10 second sound byte on Faux News. Limbald says that he saw nothing in the pictures and videos that he couldn't see at a Britney Spears or a Maddonna concert. I dunno but I don't think I ever heard of a 15 year old boy getting sodomized by a US Army Soldier at a Britany Spears concert. Of course I've never been to a Britany Spears concert so who knows. Then there is the whole issue of people demanding an apology from Mr. Bush over the abuses. First of all if anyone is going to apologize it needs to be him. The buck stops here and all that. If it wasn't for his administrations lack of planning this would have never happend to begin with. Then you hear the call from Liddy Limbald Hannity and the like that NO ONE APPOLOGIZED FOR 911....please. You aren't going to get an apology from Bin Ladden. And if you did would it make everything ok?

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Finally something to be proud of

Well not really finally. I've always had a special place in my heart for our veterans. Live or dead in any war don't matter. The 60 year anniversary of D-Day is comming up and I just wanted to convey the awe I feel towards these individuals. The courage that they displayed in an example for us all. Rest in peace. You will never be forgotten.

What nerve!

Those jackasses in command of our forces in Iraq and in Washington have stooped lower than even I thought they could stoop. The 40 people killed at the Wedding in Iraq or the terrorist camp as the Army would like you to believe has been justified by our own people as "Bad things happen in war. I don't have to justify the conduct of my men". That was from the man at the head of the investigation of the incident. Now this man said this in regards to the fact that many of the victims of this attack were children and women. He said he could not comment on that due to the fact that he had not seen the pictures.........Now let me get this straight. You just completed a "thorough investigation" and you haven't seen the pictures of the scene of the attack? Do you think we are all retards!!?? I guess so. I was in the military and I am well aware of the fact that higher ups talk down to their subordinates. It's their job. But now I am a civilian and I demand more of an explanation than "bad things happen". If the palestinians blew up a bus stop to kill one soldier standing near it and killed some kids the scorn would be harsh and deservedly so. But we do it to kill some terrorists and some kids get killed in the process and the best we get from the man in charge is, Oh well bad things happen! :) Give me a break. We have cheapened the lives of every Iraqi citizen to the point that to hear about Iraqis dying is no more a consequence than throwing out the garbage. And we wonder why the muslim extremists find it so easy to extinguish our lives. Something bad is going to happen I fear in the US. I only hope and pray we learn from it instead of react to it like we did on 9-11. God help us to see.

Screw the Jews!!!!!

Man the damn Israelis don't give up do they?!! I mean shooting 4 tank shells and strafing a crowd of thousands of unarmed civilians?!! Lots of them children?!! They killed those people as an example. It was planned and the scary thing is that it is also accepted by most of the western world. No wonder those people blow themselves up. Don't get me wrong. I hate the Palestinians too. There isn't any excuse for them to blow up buses either but the people blowing up buses are a small minute segment of the Palestinian population. Most of Israels attacks on innocents is done by their own damn military! It't government sanctioned and in my opinion that makes that goverment evil. Ours isn't much better. I mean the Israelis level and apartment complex to kill one man. We (being the US) level and apartment complex in Falluja killing 60 just to make a point. We as Americans are just along for the ride and only if They say so. Right now you can be put in prison indefinatly by your goverment with no trial no lawyer......they don't even have to acknowledge they have you. Just say you are plotting something and that is justification enough. Our liberties don't have to be sacrificed to ensure our security. How much border and internal security does 152 billion dollars buy. How much safety can be provided by 150000 troops. If you don't know I'll tell you. ALOT. How many of those troops would have died actually defending our freedom here in the US. Because you know our troops are dying for nothing. Absolutely nothing. If they were over here then it would be our freedom they defend but over there they are just fulfilling a political wish from mister Bush. To avenge his fathers embarassment. To grease the palms of Cheneys and Wolfowitzs defense contractors. To secure the second largest oil reserves into the hands of a puppet goverment friendly to the United States. To appear the warrior without getting in harms way. Kind of like back in Vietnam when Bushs then congressmans father got his son into the Texas Air National Guard ahead of 500 other applicants. Guess who else go into the TANG the very day Bush Jr. did? Thats right! 7 Dallas Cowboy Football Players! Hmmmmmmmmm! Wonder if there was some shenanigans going on that day!? Seems pretty obvious to me but to dorks like Sean Hannity and the like, it's as if they have given up on reality.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Bush goes down in 2004

Let me put this as delicatly as I possibly can. I hate that bastard Bush with all the fibers of my being. Is that subtle enough? I mean I don't want to see anything permanent happen to the guy but to see him fall off a plane or puke on a Japanese dignitary, that would bring great happiness to my heart. The bastard is going to get reelected (and I use the term elected very loosely) mark my words. I said it here way the hell back in May. Because America is stupid enough to want that dumb trailer trash wanna be back in office because he liters his speeches with words like GOD and FREEDOM. America is a sucker for that shit. The truth of the matter is Bush don't give a tinkers damn about truth, god, or freedom. It's so easy to lie to people when you make it socialy undesireable for them to disagree with you. Bush uses this tactic to unbelievable effect. If you disagree with Bushs policies it suddenly makes you somehow unpatriotic, unamerican, and worst of all A LIBERAL!!! UGHHH!!! Somehow the right has successfully demonized liberals as godless heathenistic traitors. Yeah the liberals seek to destroy this country by letting homos get married and legalizing pot. The funny thing is that Democrats have been lumped in with the liberals. Not that that is so bad but I am telling you to group far left wing liberals with mainstream democrats, is to say that all Republicans think like Tim Mcveigh. Yeah Sean Hannity when he mentions the party of Lincoln conveniently forgets its also the party of Mcveigh. I listen to Hannity on occasion and am always treated to a rant or two. The man is supposedly educated. I would expect him to respect his audience a little better than try to pass off hearsay as truth. He's no better than Rush Limbald. The first sign that the whole western society is going to hell in a handbasket is that people need to have their egos propped up by mouthpieces on the radio that keep pounding into their heads that they are better than someone else. Hitler did that to the Jews and now Rush and Sean are trying to instill that same kind of hatred and selfimportance to their audiences. Oh I forgot one. G Gordon Liddy. The man advocates genocide of the Palestinians. He is perhaps the most hateful of the three. Blowhards all.