Thursday, July 22, 2004

Ok so I'm a hipocrit

Arent we all?  I just broke down and bought an AR-15.  Bushmaster M4A3.   After being an AK man nearly all my life I finally had to admit to myself that I have always truly wanted an AR.   Everytime I went to the gun shows they would always catch my eye.  The fit and finish of these rifles is amazing.  Compared with an AK that is.  AKs always looked like they had been through hell even though alot of times they were brand new! HAHA.  This last time I went to my local weapons dealer  (AKA Huntin and fishin shop)  I perused the usual suspects.  The junky Cetme's, the Saiga shotguns, the array of SKS's and AK's, and of course your usual bolt actions and lever jobs.   I handle a lot of them just admiring the craftsmanship that went into alot of them.  For a time I would ignore the M-16/AR-15 rack all together.  I mean really!  We AK people can't fraternize with that jamming piece of shit!  Not to mention the price tags were generally way out of line which pissed me off since half of the weapon is made of a space age polimer we call plastic.   But for some reason I picked one up this time.  The balance was amazing.  The way the clip just slid in and fell out with the push of a button.  Then I looked across the sights.  For a rifle that is so short, it pointed effortlessly.  Everything about this weapon was top notch and you could tell.  Made in America.  I had to have one.  Then I looked at the price.  Funny thing was I could not put it down.  It was going to be mine no matter what.  I wasn't pissed.  The gears in my head were turning trying to figure out a way to get my mits on one of these blue steeled beauties.  I could ask my dad for the money but he always said the same thing.  "You'll shoot your eye out."  Anyway I got the cash and 1000 rounds of ammo.  Now I have to wait.  For 12 days I am going to wait.  Then I can go get it and burn up the range.  I fully intend to shoot all 1000 rounds in a day.   I am going to put the jamming myth to the test.  True or not I am going to find out the answer for myself in 12 short days.  I'll get back to you.   

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Gay what?!

With all the troubles in the world the GOP has once again decided to screw around with an issue that pushes buttons and really accomplishes little. I think I have pinpointed just about all of the useless pointless issues that they have concocted to distract people. To distract them to think about abortion, gay marriage, prayer in school, guns, one nation under god. I could go on but you get the message. All these little issues really dont make a pinch of shit of difference. I can hear someone now thinking, abortions not little!. Well in the whole scheme of things as far as the presidents job is concerned it is. Abortion is going to be around as long as people who don't want children are having sex. Cold hard truth. Gay marriage? Who the fuck cares! They say that it destroys the American family. Well what the hell is the American family? Surely wasn't ever June and Ward Cleaver or the Partridge Family. It destroys the facade that is the image of the American family that GOP assholes want for you. It does that. Prayer in school. Can you think of any more of a non issue. Now I don't care if someone does pray in school. If a person wants to pray in school then I really don't think that anyone will stop them. But think of this. If there was prayer in school and some white kids were going to a mostly muslim school and 5 times a day all the kids got down and faced Mecca and the white kids felt compelled to do it too....... All hell would break loose. I could care less if prayer is in or out of school. I sure as hell won't elect my leaders based on that. Now on to guns. I personaly own several guns. I love to shoot them and think that everyone should if only just to learn how to handel them safely. That is a solution that noone wants to hear. To kids taking guns to school and shooting the place up I mean. Anyway guns are not going to be taken away. Now where I live it is getting increasingly difficult to buy handguns. I have no problem with background checks, waiting periods, and shell casing identification. What I don't like is them telling me what guns I can and can't buy. To exclude guns based on appearance is stupid. Assault style weapons. If I get shot with a legal M1 Garand it is going to blow a hole in me you could shoot a basketball through. Now an AK-47 looks mean. Scary! But the bullet is nowhere near as destructive. If you see a Russian Built AK-47 in can't be imported into the country. If it's already here it will be treated as a pistol and be a regulated firearm. If you buy an AK that is built in the United States it can be considered a non regulated firearm if it meets a certain US made parts count. How stupid is that. Same gun. Different Regs. That is how most of the junky AKs surface. The US built SARs and WSARs and wanna be romaks are all junk. Thats probably the whole idea. Flood the market with junk foreign weapons so that people only want to buy the US made ones. Clears the streets of cheap firearms and simultaniously stoking the more expensive US made Rugers, Colts, and so on. If they really wanted to make a dent in the illegal firearms used in crimes, they need to quit putting potheads and other non-violent drug offenders in jail and make room for those assholes that use guns to rob, rape, maim, and kill. Mandatory sentancing. Stick their asses in jail till they are too feeble to pull the trigger. No exceptions. Libs say rehabilitate them. Gop says to fry them. Me.... I say put their asses in prison and make them suffer with heroin addiction and ass rapes for the rest of their lives. I can't think of any better way to spend our money in this country. Sure as hell beats paying Halliburton to sub-sub-sub-sub contract out building schools in Iraq.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Support the president my ass

I was just sitting hear brooding about how much I hate George W. Bush. Watching Fahrenheit 9/11 and thinking about all the bullshit that I have heard from the right ever since the jackass Bush got elected. Some of the biggest things that chap my ass is the fact that people are saying that we should support our president so that our troops will feel love or supported or something. Ok. Now I was in the Navy during Somalia. I was in the Navy during terrorist attacks around the world. I was in the Navy during Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Monica. Not once did I hear anyone say, support this president so that our troops will feel supported. What I did hear from the right was that we had a dilapidated force. No moral. Demoralized. They were so fucking wrong. We were the baddest motherfuckers alive and we knew it. I didn't give a shit if Clinton was getting his cock sucked. I didn't even care that people were giving him shit over it. I was too worried about getting my legs chopped off with an arresting wire, or getting blown up with a 2000 pound Mark 84 AGB, or getting burned alive by the millions of pounds of JP-8 on board. I could care less about who Clinton had his dick in. The guys today are even less concerned with Bush. They really have it rough. All they want is to go home.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Nader Get the hell out of the race!

It was released today that a large chunk of Ralph Naders Campaign contributions have came from individuals that have also contributed large amounts to the Bush campaign. Hmmmmmm. Wonder if Nader gives a shit that his presence in the campaign could have contributed to the Iraq war. Because as you know if Nader had not been in the race, Gore would have won easily. Now they can say all they want but come on. Nader hates Bush and just about all he stands for. He's not too fond of Democrats but his ideals more closely resemble that of Democrats than GOP. So it's not too far of a jump to say that most of the 3 percent of the vote that Nader got would have went to Gore. Thus tilting close races in most of the borderline states to Gore. Bush then looses the Popular and the Electoral Vote. People can say what they want but Bush is a looser hands down if Nader isn't in this race. Nader has made it closer than it should be. This nation ,no matter what Hannity and the rest of the assholes in right wing radio and tv, is for the most part centrist and left wing. The right wing is hard core and has alot of money. Left wings got alot of money too but for some reason the right wing is just so hostile! They claim to play by the rules and be good guys but the campaign that Bush is running so far is mud mud mud. He and his people deny it and call Kerrys campaign pesimistic. All Kerry said is that Bush is going to be the first president since Hoover in the Depression to loose jobs from the economy. Unless of course the Economy gains 600000 jobs a month until Nov. Rosey as they paint everything we sat at a standstill economicly for over a year! Joblessness, deficit, unbridaled spending and taxcuts for the people that needed it least! Any good news is going to be better than what we had and the right is exploding each bit of good news they can to try and paint a blue skys kind of picture......just in time for the election! Now we hear that this administration is looking into the legality of postponeing the election.......... WHAT! Now they will say its all in being prepared for the worst but you can bet your ass that if there is a terror attack, no matter how small, they will postpone the election to allow for the bounce of America being paralyzed with fear. Bushs approval rating would go up to 90 percent again and Bush would be happy again. I personally think that the election goes on no matter what unless major catastrophes ensue. Im talking a 9/11 scale or greater. If a Madrid style bomb goes off no dice. They arent going to do anything on a day we expect anyway. Having Bush in office has been good to the Radical extremists of the world. It has recruited thousands into their fold. Hate for the US has never been higher. Thats a fact. So maybe we can expect another attack. Like in the dirty dozen where they shot the man trying to assasinate hitler because they knew if someone that knew what he was doing was in charge they war would last longer. Bush dont know what the hell hes doing so the terrorists like him. So who knows.

Sunday, July 11, 2004


Ok I was a skeptic. I had seen all the ESPN highlights of NASCAR races and was basicly asking myself "Who the hell cares!" Get to the Anna Kournakova hightlights already! Anyway I decided that I would watch a few races since alot of my friends and family members like to watch the races and being the socialite I didn't want to be left out. So I watched some races. Even picked out a driver I liked. Then after the Daytona 500 I once again asked myself, "Who the fuck cares!". Christ come on! This is a sport!? Football is a sport. Lacrosse is a sport. But NASCAR?! It's the sport of drunks watching cars go round and round! I don't give a shit if its hard to drive 200 MPH around a circle. It don't take any natural God given ability to drive a car. If you work really hard and drive your body to the limits of endurance it still all depends on weather you have a good car or not. The fattest piece of shit alive could have a great car and win every race. This is an event like the Kentucky Derby or Sailing. It's not a sport! So all you redneck fuckers out there better get a fuckin grip. Take your NASCAR and shove it up your fat asses!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11

Watched the movie last night. Liked it. Was actually boring in some parts. Kinda like a Documentary. That's because it was a documentary. I have heard from alot of people who I am guessing haven't even seen the damn thing, that it is nothing like a documentary and more like propoganda. That it's slanted and politically motivated.....DUH!!!!! This is Michael Moore! Of course it's politicaly motivated. You stupid fucks out there that complain that mass media should not be used to further political ends better remember Faux News, Liddy, Rush, Hannity, Savage, and umpteen other Right Wing Assholes that push their agenda down the listening publics throat day in and day out. If someone doesn't want to see the movie then they don't have to drive themselves to the theater, buy a ticket and sit in one place for two hours and pay attention to the movie. They are acting like Moore is kidnapping school children cutting off their eyelids and making them watch the damn movie. Don't watch it if you don't want to see it. Most people who watch this movie are say.... voting age maybe? Supposedly they are big enought to drive, shoot a gun, join the military, own land. etc. etc. etc. Maybe they will be able to decide on their own what they will and won't believe? Oh I forgot. GOP types are used to their constituents being swayed by propoganda and rhetoric. I guess that's why they are worried about this movie.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Kerry Edwards is a strong ticket.....and the GOP knows it! HAHAHA

For the last few months, especially on the right wing radio talk shows all the talk has been of how Kerry was on his knees to John Mcain begging pleading him to be his running mate in the November elections. This of course is ludicris. Any idiot knows that John Mcain is all republican. Even though he is a fair republican (which leads alot of people to think hes a left leaning person ironic but true) he is a staunch republican. Noone with a brain cell in their heads actually believed that Kerry was trying to woo Mcain. Much to do about nothing as people are so fond of saying. The actual reasoning behind the rumors is the same reasoning behind all the Hillary comming to save the election bullshit. It is an attempt discredit the actual nomeni. Anyone can see it. I don't fancy myself a Sherlock Holmes. By saying a weak candidate like Hillary is comming to the rescue is also saying that Kerry is the even weaker alternative. By saying that he is to the left of Ted Kennedy is saying hes worse than Kennedy. By saying that Mcain is refusing to run with Kerry is the same as saying that Edwards is a second choice. Not very subtle at all. Only the weakest of minds would actually buy into it. Luckily for Bush America is full of people wanting the media to make their decision for them. Kerry has ran from the beginning until now a fairly clean campaign. Bushs record isn't that flashy. Daily he is giving Kerry more ammo to use against him. The economy that he speaks so glowingly about is still kind of limping along. The solid production and growth numbers are hamstrung by low wages, slashed payrolls, and high debt. Not to mention the whole WMD thing and the contrived war in Iraq. Bushs good news is being trumped by the bad. Kerry on the other hand likes to talk about a change. America needs a new direction. So far that direction is vague and they are beating him to death with that. But to tell you the truth Bush never did lay out his plans for America. Other than taxcuts, taxcuts, taxcuts! Oh that and a missle defense system that still, after 25 years, don't work. What has the taxcuts accomplished? Well so far for me? Nothing. I am still without a contract at work for the last 4 years. Imagine no payraise for 4 years. Still with fuel, food, insurance (car and home) medical....... all have risen dramaticly. With my taxcut I guess I probably bought 15 or 20 gallons of gas. With the increased local and state taxes on everything from license tags, to property, I think my tax cut was eaten up and then some. Mr. Bush am I better after your four years? Nope. Mr. Bush am I going to give you another chance to make good on your promises? Nope. Kerry gets the nod from me if only to get things moving in a more positive direction. We can't do worse. We can give someone else with a different approach the chance and probably be better for it. Give em hell Mr. Kerry.