Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Freedom and Liberty can go fuck themselves

Why is it that the people that constantly bitch and scream about freedom and liberty, are usually the ones who understand it least? Take "Obamacare" for example. People from coast to coast were given the opportunity to weigh in and give their two cents on the new revamped healthcare system. We had townmeetings where everyday folk were able to talk to their duly elected representative face to face. We had protests that sprang up in our nations Capitol, and virtually every state Capitol! Pro and con. For nearly a year we debated, and wrangled, and argued about the best way to implement the new rules. Then, and only then, did our elected officials return to Washington DC and begin to hammer out the details. Back and forth the Houses of Congress went. Months of late nights and toil culminated in a majority vote in favor of the new bill. The President signed the bill into law. Now I know what your thinking. That sounds like the very epitome of American Democracy in action. The very essence of our nation! Orderly, balanced, just. Well, evidently you don't know shit from apple butter, because, guess what? The rightwing noise machine began telling us all that we'd been bamboozled! Rush Limbaugh was furious that people were going to be required to have health insurance! They called it unconstitutional! Nevermind most states require you to have car insurance! Nevermind that banks require insurance on homes! This was "Obamacare"! And all the hairlipped commie bastards that passed it were gonna pay. So the people voted to throw the bums out, and once again our democratic process was renewed. Only this time the right wing talking heads called this "The most significant political shift in American history!" "the people have spoken!" "Freedom and Liberty prevail!" Hold on a minute, you say? Hold on indeed! After the November tenth elections you can bet that the GOP would be gratious in their victory. T

Saturday, August 20, 2011

West Memphis Three

Three men who were accused of murdering three young boys back in 1993 are being released soon. Two of them anyway. If they didn't do it then I can't imagine the flood of emotions they are going to have. Man only has one life to live and they just spent almost 20 years of it in jail. That's parr of the tragedy of this. The other is there are three dead kids, and a family that will never know justice. Nichol Brown Simpsons killer was never found. The little girl in the Casey Anthony case will forever remain silent. The sad thing is the majority of crime in this country goes unsolved. No one will ever pay for most of the crime committed. So I say we abolish the present justice system in favor of something a little more streamlined.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

NRA needs to leave me alone!

Just last some dumb bitch from the national rifle association calls me and plays me a message from the NRA president. Something about a UN weapons ban. Something about take g our pistols and shotguns. Something about riots in the streets and us not having any way to defend ourselves. He went on and on and the gist of the message was loud and clear. The black Muslim man that lie cheated and stole his way into the whitehouse was to blame! When the lady came back on the line she asked if what I had just alarmed me... I said,"Not really". I heard a sound as if someones heart had just lept from their chest. I then got a very curt, "good day". Then she hung up. You see I have a subscription to guns and ammo. Is it because I five a shit about my gun rights being taken away? No! It's because I love guns and ammo! If I wanted to hear from the NRA every other day I subscribe to, "Dickheads who try to scare people into giving money to the republican party weekly," or some shit like that! They're trying to convince me that the UN and President Obama want to ban guns in the US. The President has said he supports people's rights to bear arms. Both houses of congress support our right to bear arms. Local police and sheriff departments support our rights and so do nearly every state. The supreme court has supported the right to bear arms in every single decision. So what the fuck is the NRA trying to pull? Well they're lying to us. And that's bullshit. They are just a lobbying arm for the republican party. Right now they are slinging as much mud at our President as they can seeing how much they can get to stick. Well no fucking thank you. Good day in fuckin deed!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

John Gibson, you sir, are an asshole!

I don't know why I'm wasting my time with this old motherfucker but I have to say something about this jerk or ill never forgive myself. Mr. Gibson, in all his wisdom, says public sector workers should get off their butts and get back to work. He goes on to say that he's old enough to retire, and he's such a hardcore working machine that he's gonna keep on working no matter what. Well color me unimpressed. I want you to get your ashen gristled up ass up from behind your typewriter, from behind your microphone, and go do a job that actually contributes to something. If you had to dig ditches, or crawl through sewers, or empty garbage the last 40 years you'd probably be happy to retire! I've seen people retire and struggle to make ends meet. It's no fucking picnic. People who worked and saved paid their houses off had investments, did it all right, and still die penniless. Die with nothing! So is it such a crime that these people get to retire and enjoy life for a few years before they get too broke or too broken down?! Well I don't think so. That dickhead John Gibson needs to shut his old bitch lady looking face (he looks like an old woman) and leave people the fuck alone. Mans got millions of dollars and is pissed if someone gets to retire and enjoy what's left of their time here. Stupid fuck bitches about how the government won't stay out of his finances and then dedicates his radio show to getting into other people's retirement finances. What a dickhead hypocrit!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Britain don't take no shit!

This is in regards to the rioting that took place in Britain last week. None of this Habeius Corpus crap. If they saw you on video your ass got hauled in. You're 12? Get in the fuckin paddy wagon punk! You're a community activist? To the clink with you bitch! They were slow to react but once they did, the London police started cracking skulls. You wanna have an organized protest this weekend? Well guess what it's banned. Over in this country we always make our problems worse with politicaly correct hand wringing. Who are we gonna piss off. What group is gonna think were singling them out? Well fuck that. If your dragging a trucker out of his hack and beating him in the head with a bottle I don't give a fuck if your poor, or black, or that your daddy molested you. You ceased to get my sympathy when you decided that because your lifed sucked you were gonna take it out on someone else. Tired of that sob story. Get your ass in the fuckin cage if you wanna act like animals.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Race riots

In my 37 years I have seen a mob or two. When I was in Virginia beach several years ago I made the mistake of walking to the seven eleven at 2 in the morning for cigarettes. At the same time I was getting to the street all of the clubs closed and the streets were flooded with drunk black dudes. It's not racist to feel out of place. Nothing happened to me but it wasn't long before the police were responding to a shooting. People were trampled shot beat up etc. I never did get my cigarettes but I can't say that was anythi g but a typical crowd of drunk young people. Minus the shooting of course. Now this bullshit that went on in Wisconson on the other hand, if I heard it correctly, was straight up racist. Black people need to step up to the plate and acknowledge the racists in their own community. This shit needs to be addressed.

Bank Robbin assholes captured unfortunately

I say unfortunately because I wish they'd have killed those motherfuckers. I understand violence. I have violent thoughts every fuckin day! There's a difference here. The people who I want to act out violence on have wronged me in some way. They took the last Pepsi Max out of the machine at work. Maybe they parked their shopping cart sideways in the aisle at Walmart. Maybe they cut me off on Interstate 220! All vile offenses! These assholes endangered people for no fucking reason. Some person was cashing a check and these jackasses run in and start shooting. Some cop just doing his job and they shoot at him. I'm glad they caught those bastards but they should have done us all a favor and blew those weazly fuckers away.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Republicans are so fuckin' stupid

They make me sick. I look at how long it took my father in law to realize that Bush was a tird and he makes me sick. It's only taken me a little over two years to realize Obama sucks. He really does. Weakest president I can name. Carter was sabotaged by circumstances. Obama sabotages himself. He should have rammed healthcare through. He should have let the bush taxcuts expire. He should have told the repubs to stick it in their ear when they threatened him with letting the debt ceiling deadline expire, and invoked his 14th amendment rights. Let them waste their time impeaching him. He pussed out on everything and now I'm forced to vote for some third party candidate. Relegated to loser status. Thank you mr president for dooming our country to 8 more years of repuke rule. All because you haven't got a set of nuts.