Sunday, February 26, 2006

Is Sean Hannity fucking retarded?

Well the answer to that question is an emphatic yes. A few weeks ago while driving home, I was listening to Sean Hannity for my daily 10 minutes. The ritual is the same. I listen to the ABC news at the top of the hour, then I turn the volume down for about a minute so that I can avoid listening to Hannity bullshit theme song. You know. Independence Day. That country song that I fucking hate so much. I hated it before Sean started using it but when he started playing it as his theme song I really started hating it. You see Sean was using it as a metaphor for the "liberation" of Iraq. Subtle huh? Anyway I heard him saying something about how a reporter was gonna, "blow the lid off", of a story that would vindicate all of Bushs strategy in Iraq. I was very intrigued. He talked of tapes that were being released showing Saddam Hussein talking to his son in law about weapons of mass destruction. The having of, the making of, and the deployment of the very weapons that Bush was defending us from! Hark! I was very intrigued! In fact I was wondering why I was not hearing about it in the news. Well it's obvious. The main stream media was suppressing the story due to them being anti America and sabatoging the war effort. Or at least thats how Sean told it. Well thankfully, it was time to turn Mr. Hannity off. Later that evening I heard about how there was going to be a press conference releasing all this "new" information. They just went on and on about what the briefing was to contain. I thought it was funny that for some reason the info had already gotten out to the public before the lid was blown off! Evidently they had listened to Sean Hannity or one of the other many Right Wing talking heads that were spouting the exact same talking points. Curious. Well the press conference came and went and didn't creat so much as a ripple. That was the most silent lid blowing I had ever heard. Well weeks went by and I had forgotten about the entire thing. Until I was poking around on the internet and came across a website called FAIR. Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting. Heres the link. Apparently the reason the lid comming off was so silent was that the lid on this story had been blown off for over 10 years. It's been public knowledge. But with the American public being so un and miss informed it's not hard to see why the right wing noise machine thought they could get away with passing this off as new info. As was reported several years ago Saddam Hussein was speaking with his son in law Hussein Kamel about hiding weapons of mass destruction. That's the short story and you'll have to get the whole scoop from the link above. What wasn't reported by the new release was that the same Hussein Kamel defected from Iraq in 1995 and informed the CIA and the FBI that Saddam Hussein had destroyed all of his WMD. Destroyed it ALL in accordance with UN instructions. Now this man was the guy that Mr. Dickless Cheney used to bolster his claims that the WMD were being massed in a speech he made Aug.26,2002. "We've gotten this from the firsthand testimony of defectors, including Saddam's own son-in-law"—a reference to Kamel. But his testimony was not worth considering when he vehemently stated that the WMD were no longer in Iraqi hands. Sounds a bit like cherry picking. You know. Using only information that will support your case and supressing information that would damage it? But this administation is known for its forthright nature and for always telling the truth! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Faux News Spin Machine in high gear

Last night I was watching faux news. This is something I do when I have no paint to watch dry and have ran out of ice to melt. They were talking about the furor that has been created about the port deal. They are "furious" over the partisan politics that is being played here. The Democrats are making political hay damnit! Clinton had a deal shot down during his administration from the Chinese damnit! Yes the Democrats are making some noise but it's the Republicans whos deafening protests have given this argument weight. If not for the Republicans being pissed about it the deal would have went through and been done with. You see something Faux forgets about alot is that Republicans are the ones in charge. The Democrats can't take a shit without GOP approval. I look at the panel and it's filled with assholes from the weekly standard and other GOP cock boys. I can tell that is far from fair or balanced. But faux very rarely attempts to be fair or balanced. This is the first stark example of being able to tell people that really are worried about the country, and those that are just neocons. Usually it's so muddy it's hard to tell. In this case Bush had no idea supposedly about the deal. This is in itself a fuckin crime. The Neocons excuse that blantant act of stupidity. Most human beings would realize that this would create somewhat of a ripple. The Neocons are trying to deflect the blame onto the Democrats. With leading Republicans opposing this to a man how the hell can they even try and pull that? Do they think we are stupid? Well they are hoping that there are enough like minded assholes in this country to create an air of acceptance. That is what Faux is trying to do right now. To flood the airwaves with tales of Democratic opportunism and not report the fact that just about everyone is pissed about this. The strategy is to make this a pill that the GOP will be willing to swallow. They know that America gets distracted easily. They have delayed this and are hoping that over time the issue will get tired and noone will care. Chances are they are gambling correctly. What the stupid fucks don't know, or are willing to risk, is that if this goes through, alot of GOP have painted themselves into a corner. They have commited themselves to opposing the deal. Some have hedged their bets and said the ambiguous "We will investigate this and see if it's ok." That's crap. 45 days is not going to change the fact that the UAE laundered and distributed money for the 9/11 terrorists. It's not going to change the fact that the UAE does not recognize Isreal. A point that while retarded I could care less about. I mean how can you not recognize a country but at the same time be all pissed at them. How can you be bent at something that doesn't exist! Anyway. It's not going to change the fact that there are Taliban sympathizers in the highest branches of their government. Up until a few years ago they publicly supported the Taliban and would still do so if it didn't cramp their economic style. Not to mention the fact that the Taliban is defunct. The UAE being in charge of those ports does not put them in charge but it does give them intimate information about the goings on at these ports. One comprimised person in a sensitive location at the right time could lead to disaster. Now it is true that that situation could arise with anyone in charge but come on. What country would bring the greatest risk? You know the answer to that one. The fact that Faux is attempting to sell this to the American public so that their neocon administration won't get egg on its face in spite of the damage to the country proves where their priorities lie.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Noone cares about anything anymore

Noone gives a damn about anything anymore. Me included. Manners and courtesy are no longer anywhere near where they need to be. The celebrityies that we worship are fucking assholes. The last great "hero" was Harrison Ford. If Harrison Ford were caught with drugs or screwing a prostitute I would be shattered. If anyone else gets caught for that crap it matters little to me. Our politicians act as if they are above the law. From top to bottom the corruption is so obvious, but as you know, noone gives a fuck! Our president has been given a free pass to do or say just about anything he wants. Our vice president can tell some guy to fuck himself on the Senate floor and people don't even bat an eye. This is a monument to the corsening of our culture. Rappers can say, do, and act anyway they want and are revered for it. From having sex with underage girls to shooting rival rappers in the streets, all is forgiven. I walk around in Wal-Mart and watch women who look like they are under 20 with 3 kids just screaming at them cursing making me blush. I watch American Idol and watch these stupid fucks come out of their "auditions" and scream and curse because they lost. We reward mediocrity. We have a winner but we don't want to make all the losers feel bad so we play down the fact that someone is better than anyone else. What people used to do and were shamed for is now accepted. I'm not talking about girls having babies out of wedlock or gay people. I'm talking about sending your kids to school dirty and not having pride in anything. This is the America that my kids are being brought up in. An America where they see kids cursing their parents. An America where parents care more about being seen as "cool" than doing their fuckin job. That is raising decent human beings that respect their elders. That realize that hard work is rewarded. That know how to act in public. I personally think that my child is at a disadvantage. My child doesn't hear the cursing 24/7. My child is not allowed to watch movies that show violence or sex. I keep my kids sheltered from bullshit that they are too young to understand. My child doesn't see me smoking dope or laying around drunk all the time. My child sees both parents working but both parents home at the end of the school day. I am being a parent. Some of these asshole consider their children something to be pushed off on someone else. We have left our kids once in the 9 years that we have had them. Went on one 3 day vacation. They have stayed over at relatives houses from time to time but for the most part we are constantly around them. I walk through the mall and grocery store and see really small children just wandering around with noone watching them. That's crazy! I looked at our small town and there are sex offenders that prey on small children living within miles of our house! They are out there. And they are not to be given any more of a chance to impose themselves on my kids than they already have. I have guns and locks and dogs to protect my family from whatever I can but once they leave the front door to school all of my protection is gone. And I have to depend on these other stupid fucks to do it for me. These people that I wouldn't leave my dog with. Now my kids are exposed to other children. Some good kids with parents that have a like mind to my own. And others that have given in to the bullshit of the day and let their kids run rampant through this shitty world. When you run through shit you are gonna get some on you. It's best to take a different road, even if its harder to keep yourself from getting dirty. I realize that there have always been people who are assholes to their kids. Assholes that don't protect their kids from the ills of the world and just let them get knocked down over and over again. It's just that over the years more and more assholes have been created and we are pushing maximum asshole density. Assholes have permeated to the highest branches of government. We have assholes in the oval office, in the supreme court, in the board of education! Assholes have been breeding for centuries and finally they are beginning to take over the world. Jennifer Lopez can spend 2 million dollars on a pair of jeans and instead of outrage at the irresponsibility of that act, we swoon and reward her by watching her shitty movies and listening to her overly voice enhanced "songs". I personally have to believe that all of these narcistic fucktards are going to fucking hell. If they aren't then I will beat their fuckin asses if I ever see them in heaven. Stick my holy baseball bat right between their fuckin eyes. Our president stammers and stumbles around like a fucking advanced alzheimers patient but we allow him to do so because it's just like Jerry Springer. We love to watch people who are more idiotic than we are. That's the only explaination for the success of Jessica Simpson. It makes us feel better about ourselves in this day and age where America is slowly starting to realize that they aren't the end all be all. Japan can build better cars than we can. Chinese people and Mexicans out work and out produce us. 18 other countries are smarter than we are. Austria has a better Luge team than we do! The only things we excell at are killing each other and the exportation of war to the rest of the world. When it comes to that we are tops. I have nothing against guns by the way. I think that most problems could be solved with 150 grains of hot lead, but then again, I am an American. I have that innate weakness of paranoia. In our capitalist society the building of wealth is based on our ability to take from everyone else. Stockholders are happy when a company lays off workers. Fords stock soared last month on the news that they were laying off 30,000 people and closing several American plants. There are only so many trillions of dollars to be had in our economy and the top two percent of wage earners have over 75 percent of it. The rest of us near 300 million people have to get by on the leftovers. And we scrap and scrape to get every last bit of it. Leaving the unfortunate souls at the bottom to fin for themselves. The republicans say that we should cut these people loose. Only problem with that is they are still at the bottom. There will always be a bottom! Don't they realize this?! There has to be a bottom so that they can have their top. Our economy has changed over the years from being a producer to being a service provider. Instead of making the goods, we subcontract the production to the lowest bidder. Then sit back and collect the profits. The middle class then provides services to the upper class. We cook their food, transport their overseas goods, and sell their cheap chinese tshirts. Less and less skill is needed to perform these tasks. Therefore less and less wages are necessary to do them. In the end you will have people that have no buying potential because their wages have been driven so low. Boom. Middle class gone. Mission accomplished. People will think I'm a communist for saying all this. Well fuck you. How bout that. I'm not a communist. I just want America to stop being so fucking greedy. To stop sacrificing our future over 4th quarter profits.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Guns are fuckin cool

I love old guns. I mean I really love them. I can sit and look at bullets for hours. I marvel at the craftsmanship it takes to make a weapon. If you look at a gun from today you can see that its all just cast crap. I have a brand spankin new Bushmaster and the thing is finished crappy. In comparison with the older guns anyway. I have a PTR-91 that is also brand new. You can see weld marks on the receiver and glops of solder. Its filed down somewhat so you can't see it as good but you can still see it. Now turning back the clock I have an 1892 Model Winchester in caliber .32-20. Beautiful rifle. I have disassembled it twice and just marveled at the ingenuity that it took to make that. The rifle was built in the late 1800s and still shoots like the day it was built. Amazing. The tolerances of that rifle are very tight. To build that gun took a craftsman. To make a rifle today takes an assembler. The Mosin Naggant 7.62x54 M91/30 is an example of a great rifle. Ugly but great. This is the rifle that successfully beat back the Germans from the Eastern Front during World War Two. Now the M44 is the carbine version of that rifle and is handier in my opinion but the 91/30 will occupy a special place in my heart. It operates like a battle rifle should. There is no safety to speak of. The safety is so hard to actuate that I never use it. You have to pull the rear of the bolt back and twist it clockwise to lock it into place. Releasing it is also a task. The fun part about this rifle is the cartridge it shoots. The rimmed 7.62x54 rivals the .30-06 of the M1 Garand. The Mosin Naggant was also capable of amazing accuracy. Mine is dated 1927. It has a hex receiver and brass acutrements on the forend. I take this club out of the box, set a paper cup up at 100 yards and proceed to knock holes in this cup with open sites. I was astonished as I am not a particularly great shot especially with open sites. I was hooked. The really fun thing about his rifle is the recoil. It is the most stout feeling recoil I have ever felt. It hits so hard that you think you are gonna loose a filling. But it's not unpleasant. Kind of like a really fast roller coaster. When you get behind the M91/30 it's gonna kick your brains out. Now my Lee Enfield No.4 Mark 2 .303 is the polar opposite to the plain jane Mosin. Where the Mosin accomplishes its job with bare bones simplicity, the Enfield does it with the capable grace you'd expect from the English. It has the most sophisticated sighting system of all my old beaters. You can use the battle peep sight for running through trenches. Or you can really get down to fine long range work with the fully adjustable flip sight. The butt plate is solid brass and shines so nice against the dark red berch. I think it's berch anyway. Either way I'd stack it up against any Walnut stock appearancewise. The recoil of this rifle is so light you'd hardly think you were sending 180 grain slugs downrange at 2500 feet per second. This rifle was ahead of its time and outclassed all bolt rifles for more than a few decades in my opinion. Now I just laid my hands on a Yugoslavian M-48. I wanted a German Kar 98 8mm but I can't afford it right now. I was apprehensive but at just 94 dollars I figured how could I miss. Well it seems as I have hit the jackpot. I opened the box the otherday and removed the paper to find one of the prettiest rifles in my collection. I am told the wood is Teak. With a little effort I have removed the little rust that was on the buttplate and made it shine. A coat of tongue oil was all it took to spruce it up to look like one of the 300 dollar Mitchell Mausers. If it shoots as good as it looks, I've found another deer rifle. I have another Yugoslavian rifle called the M59/66 SKS. While not as well finished as my M-48 it is just plain fun to shoot. This is a semiauto that will rattle off 10 rounds of 7.62x39 as quick as you can squeeze the trigger. For anyone that doesn't know, thats the same round as the AK-47. Only this baby has much greater accuracy and muzzle velocity due to its 20 inch barrel. It's also equipped with glow in the dark night sights, grenade launcher and a very nasty looking bayonette. Rounding out my collection of Curio and Relic rifles is my M1 Garand. Of all my relic rifles, by far, this is my most expensive. Purchase price anyway. Worth every penny. I hope to equip it with a scope soon but the mount is about 100 dollars. Then I would have to find a nice scope that will not look out of place on it. That's gonna be about 200 more. That's about it for my collection of old kick ass rifles. Although I have many modern firearms I continue to collect the old military rifles that have helped forge our world.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Is there any doubt we have a cardboard cutout for a president?

My God. Can you believe this shit. I have heard crap over the last few years that sounds so much like conspiracy garbage. The Bush administration actually hiring (and paying of course) columnists to promote them in their colums. The Bush administration/Karl Rove paying great sums of money to organizations such as the Swift Boat Vets For Truth to slander opponents with lies. And now. A whitehouse press corp journalist has been exposed as being a GOP operative? Jeff Gannon is the alter ego of one JD Guckert working for GOP USA. He made a webpage called Talon News and somehow got a press pass with his false identity. He then went to press conferences and read questions straight out of the GOP handbook. What the hell is this all about?! How the hell did he get past security in this post 9/11 world. He was within yards of the president with a fake press ID!!!!! Well the only answer to that is he was allowed to do so with Whitehouse approval. This president cannot stand on his own. When he is left to his own devices he looks alot like Terri Shiavo. Just a blank slate. It reminds me of watching the Manchurian Candidate. The scary thing is that all of these incidents really happened. They are continuing to happen and noone seems to care. Without this network of crutches, the president would fold up like a cheap suit.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Seahawks lost get over it

Seahawks fans everywhere take heart. If your program is worth a damn, you guys will have another oportunity at a superbowl within the next 5 years or so. I mean you are practicaly guaranteed a playoff spot for the next decade. The Cardinals, St. Louis and San Franciso make up your pathetic division. You guys will rule the roost! So quit whining. Quit bitchin and take it like men. The Raiders got hosed in the AFC championship game a few years ago. Remember the tucking incident? What did they do? They went to the super bowl the next year thats what! You think if you sit around and cry like little bitches your ever going to do anything? Pittsburgh lost 3 AFC Championship games before it finally won one. You guys think you are gonna go 20 some years without even a playoff birth and win it on your first try? You need to take your lumps. What we had yesterday was a team that could not take advantage of the oportunities before it. The officials called a tight game. They had 7 penalties for 70 yards called on them. That's not exactly officals gone wild. The guy pushed off. The tape shows him pushing off. Period. The guys on TV say, "Yeah he was pushing off but it was ticky tacky." Come on. You can't hook a guy around his neck. IT'S HOLDING! All you dumbasses can say the officials lost the game for the Seahawks but you are missing all the stupid shit they did to contribute to their loss. The poor clock management. Not having the balls to go for it on fourth and an inch. Missing two field goals. Throwing an interception inside the redzone. Not being prepared for a play that Pittburgh has ran in their last 5 games! That end around pass is a staple of their offense and the Seahawks didn't see it coming. Stevens dropping 3 big passes. Catching two near touchdowns out of bounds! ALLOWING A 75 YARD TOUCHDOWN RUN!!!!! The officials didn't have a bearing on any of the events I just mentioned. The Steelers won the game. I'm getting pissed off that for whatever reason people feel so sorry for the Seahawks that they are trying to take away from what the Steelers accomplished. Saying they feel "dirty" that the Steelers won. THAT'S BULLSHIT. If the game had been close then I could understand the sour grapes but it wasn't even fucking close! It wasn't gonna be a barnburner. The Steelers offense is not set up that way. Bill Cower tried to put a stompin on the Hawks but Ben was a jackass and threw the pick that allowed you guys even a small chance at victory. So quit your belly aching. You lost. Get over it.

Steelers haters are cool........for me to poop on!

Number one thing I have to clear up is Super Bowls usually suck. I mean do people watch Monday Night Football if their team is not playing? Usually not. I for one am a Steelers fan. Not so much a football fan. I can't just pick up and watch a game just for the joy of it. If it's not the Steelers playing, I watch because it affects their division or the playoff race. Otherwise I could care less. Usually the Superbowl is crap for me. The difference this year is the Steelers were in it and I had a stake. SO! That being said, the Superbowl still sucked. Other than the Steelers winning that is. It was a typical game for the Steelers I felt. The defense did a good job containing the NFL MVP. Hasselback threw alot of little short passes that got alot of yards. But only one touchdown. I keep hearing from buttfucks on Cold Pizza that the Seahawks got robbed. That the receiver didn't push off. Well actually they don't say he DIDN't push off. They just say that you don't call that in a super bowl................Well when the fuck do you call it dumbass!? They also complained about the Hasselback being called for blocking below the waist.......well they have been calling it all season. Why get pissed now? Alan Faneca got called for it on an interception return against the Bengals back in December. How an offensive player gets called for an illegal block is fuckin beyond me, BUT they have been calling it all year so quitcherbitchin! Ben Rothlesbergers TD run was in fact a TOUCHDOWN! I am watching it. I see him go in. The dipshits from cold pizza are fueling this Bullshit convention thats going on. If a lace from the ball crosses the PLANE OF THE GOAL LINE which is to say that if the ball crosses into the white line AT ALL, it's a touchdown. Now during the season I saw this one go both ways. I saw balls that obviously crossed over the plane be ruled no touch while others were. Not to mention that it was only 3rd down! They could have went for it again or kicked a field goal. Either way Ben was in. No question. The thing is that the NFC sucks. Has sucked for a good many years. How else can you explain how the NFC still loses the game when the AFC team plays so lousy? I for one didn't think the Steelers had their best game. The effort was there but it just didn't translate into a really good performance. Seattle did look more in sync, but only between the 30 yard lines. After that they fell the fuck apart. People are acting like Seattle played this masterful game. They missed two very makeable field goals. Hasselback got sacked and hurried all day. He threw a pick, should have been two. Alexander didn't wow me. He spent most of the game sitting. The Seattle defense got totally fooled on the end around pass. The Steelers do that shit all the time and for some reason the Seahawks appeared to be totaly caught off guard. Fast Willie Parker won the running back duel comming up with a TD and his 75 yard run. The Steelers did what they do best. They got the lead and then sat on it. Now granted all this BS talk about Seattle being robbed would not be happening if Ben had not thrown the pick at the goal line. The score would have been 21 to 3 and Seattle would have been toast. But Ben kept them in it. The reason that the two turnovers didn't hurt Pittsburgh too badly was due to the fact that the first one was intercepted inside the 10 and Seattle didn't do jack with it. By the time the second INT happened Pittsburgh was up by 11 points and it ended up not influencing the outcome of the game. Bottom line is most people cannot appreciate a good game. The only game they like to watch is if a team they like is in it. Sports analysts for whatever reason suck whorishly on Tom Bradys cock. They love that fucker. They like Ben but if he doesn't perform flawlessly they start bagging on him even if he wins. The way they talked about him after the Jets playoff game last year was indicative of that. Brady has a horrible game against the Broncos and they finaly lay the wood to him. Ben had a good game against the Seahawks. Not great. But Hasslebacks game wasn't very good either. They were both good enough to win but untimately as you know there can be only one winner and Pittsburgh is it. It all comes down to the fact that when you say the name of a city, say.......Las Vegas! You think fun! You think good weather. When you say Miami you think beaches! When you say the name Detroit! People automaticly think of factories, cold and crime. Hardly the place for a wholesome thing like the superbowl! I mean you can't even look at a breast during a superbowl. We have to reserve that time for beer and erectile disfunction commercials. This superbowl had all the earmarks of a stinker before we even knew who was in it. The only thing that could have saved it, in the eyes of sports writers anyway, was if Tom Brady had sat in the press box and let all the reporters blow him at half time. They were pissed from the getgo because their normaly fun filled January vacation was not going to be in San Diego or Miami. It was going to be in Detroit. Alot of sports writers didn't even go to the damn game! Well FUCK YOU! The game isn't about you! Your personal feelings about not being able to party as much should not enter into how you report on a game! Then the build up begins, trashtalk, and all the crap. I was as tired of the Super Bowl buildup as I was about the Alito hearings. Just play the fuckin game already! There should not be a two week gap between the championship games and the Super Bowl. When the game starts you are so tired of hearing about the game and how these assholes, half of which never touched a football in their lives, parse every aspect of the game into some kind of stat. NO MATTER HOW TRIVIAL! I don't care to hear about the life and times of the Seahawks mascot. By the time the game comes it is unable to meet up to the expectations and everyone bags on it. To fix this the superbowl should be played in the best teams home arena. Corporate and press assholes should not be allowed to be at the games, or at least not any more of them than are at a normal playoff game. The seats should be filled with people that supported the teams all year. Actual Seahawk and Steelers fans should be there. Just like a playoff game. The Super Bowl loses its intensity with the crowd being watered down with all these casual observers. But this wont happen. It won't happen because the NFL deems that this event be exactly the way it appears. Bland. It's for making money and that is it. Wow it's funny how a common theme appears. Christmas, the Super Bowl, anything worth participating in, is ruined due to corporate interests getting involved and maximizing their profits. Hmmmmm. That is what we are told supposedly makes America great. I really don't buy into that.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Our justice system is a joke

I for one will never believe that OJ didn't kill his wife. He did it and thats all there is to it. That being said, he was given a trial in accordance with the rules and was aquitted. That should be the end of the story. The man is innocent of the crime in the eyes of the law. So why the fuck should people be able to sue them for a crime that they are supposedly innocent of!? Bonny Bakely was killed by Blake. How the hell a jury could aquit the man is beyond me, but he was indeed aquitted! So why the hell does Bonnys family have a right to sue him for her death? No you can cut it anyway you want. You can say they are not suing to get money for him killing her. They are suing him for contributing to her death. Well if he didn't kill her, in the eyes of the law, then how the hell did he contribute? Because he took her to dinner? Because he left a grown woman unattended in a car to go retrieve his gun and returned to find her dead? They can sue you for that? And someone will give you millions of dollars for it? Fuckin stupid. Money buys you priveledges that normal people don't have. Halle Berry can hit a woman with her SUV, drive away and a few days later receive a call from the LAPD that they want her to come in when she get's the time and make a statement. My friends girlfriend let one of her pals borrow her car. While she had the car the girl evidently came really close to hitting a parked car in a parking lot. I guess proximity is illegal these days. Anyway her friend drove off and returned the car. Later on that evening the dragnet had been cast over the southside of town combing the neighborhoods for this criminal. Tracing the liscense plate numbers. Putting units on the back of the house etc.etc.etc. Anyway. There was a knock at the door and the police told him that they wanted to speak with the driver who hit another car earlier in the day. Well of course they assumed that their friend that had borrowed it had hit a car and never told them. After a quick check of the car however they found no damage of any kind. After seeing the car they supposedly hit, they also found no signs of a collision. Then my friend asked the cop the obvious question. "What is this all about". The cop was pissed at the woman that had brought the charge but didn't appologize to my friend for his stupidity. A good cop or at least a mediocre one would have done a tiny investigation before dragging people out of their homes in the middle of the night on some goose chase. He would have looked at the car that had been hit. Maybe noted the color of paint that was scraped off of the offending vehicle. Hell I learned that off of Scooby Doo! But Halle Berry and other celebritys can hit people, leave the scene of the accident, sober up, and then go into the police station when they get a free minute. Our legal system is a joke because they talk about Liberty and Justice for all. It is to a point. It's just when people have money and fame they can buy a better quality of "justice" and this is where supposedly our legal system shines. We are supposed to be impartial and fair and blind to anything but the law. It's naive to think that way I'm sure but that is how it is set up and that is how it is supposed to run. That is how people describe it when they talk about its virtues. Only thing is that it doesn't function that way. And everyone knows it! Oh well I know for a fact that we all will someday be equal and on the same ground. It's when we die, and for now I'll tolerate the inequality.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Laura Ingram.....what a bitch

On with the asshole parade! Sleep has tempered my words a little. I no longer wish for Mr. Oreillys untimely death at the hands of his own puke. I do however wish for his finacial and professional ruin. I usually spend little time on smalltime like Laura but today you are in for a treat. Laura was a speech writer for the Reagan administration. Went to lawschool and then was a lawclerk for Clarence Thomas for a little while. Worked as a criminal defense lawyer for white collar criminals. What do all of these things have in common? Well she worked for criminals her entire career! This woman is really really small. Not because she just got over Chemo small. Shes just small. Her hate is really big though. I get the unfortunate privledge of listening to her a few minutes while I'm on lunch. That adds up to a whole whopping 3 or 4 minutes before I have to turn the bitch off. I usually turn Hannity or Oreilly off in frustration about them being such fucking assholes. I turn Laura off because she's just so annoying! She has these skits I guess you'd call them that she always plays. She's not funny at all. Well shes funny to other assholes I guess. She had an ongoing skit going one time about people pitching ideas for a movie? Doesn't even sound remotely interesting does it? She had a thing where she had people call in and comment on the vagina monologues....evidently the people listening have as little a sense of humor as Laura does because the only thing they could come up with was poop jokes and toilet sounds. Boy my kindergardener could not have come up with that! Well the entire show is like that. Dim witted comments on liberals that I guess Laura hates that you have NEVER HEARD OF. I guess Laura must be the high brow character assassin. She plays this music that can only be described as college music. Bad college music. This woman graduated from college in 1986. The bitch is old. Shes like that 40 year old fat chick in the Extera that drives around the Walmart parking lot with the Backstreet Boys playing at full volume. MAN SHES COOL!!! No wait...............shes not. I really can't elevate my hatred of Laura Ingram to the level that I have for Sean Hannity and Bill Oreilly. I actually think people listen to them. Shes more like a Michael Savage or an Anne Coulter. So fucking stupid that I know noone takes them seriously. So let the bitch write books that noone in their right mind would read. Let her screetch on the radio. I know that most Americans have never heard her name. And that is what I get the most satisfaction out of. Knowing that she is giving her best shot and for the most part people are just not listening.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bill O'reilly needs to go to fucking hell

I hope this mother fucker chokes and dies on his own puke. Yes I can say that because I hate this fucker. Hes the worst kind of human being. He destroys peoples reputations, he calls people anti american, questions their patriotism, stumps for a war that he will never have to give any blood to, and then acts like hes fucking unbiased. Fucking lies to our faces about him being beholden to these republican assholes. Now Mr. Oreilly is not the one that I am really mad at. I am fuckin pissed at the policy makers that lied to us, made up information, cherry picked intel, and played on the fucking stupidity of the general population, to get us into a war that they believed would be over quickly. They miscalculated and thousands of people are dead. This is a fucking disaster and this prick O'reilly has the nerve to defend it. My son is going to be old enough to be sent to war soon, and he may indeed be sent due to media ASSHOLES like Oreilly that get people all stirred up over BULLSHIT and lies! People need to start telling the truth in this country. I just told some truth. I want Mr. Oreilly and others of his cast to get the fuck off the radio. Off my fuckin TV. Stop telling your lies. Stop supporting garbage that you know to be untrue. People need to be held accountable for their actions. People are more concerned about American Idol than they are about the course their country has taken! SHAME ON YOU AMERICA! You have turned your backs on your young people. Make the young people pay for the dept you build today. Make the young people fight a war just so YOUR GUY BUSH WON"T LOOK LIKE A FUCKIN DICKHEAD!!!!! Shame on you America. Shame on you and your fucking preoccupation with BULLSHIT!!!! It's time for people to become aware and make a fucking stand. I want my country back. I want my country to stand for justice. I want it to stand for fairness. Not prison camps in undesclosed locations. Not torture. Not cowboy blowhard cowards that have never known what it is to serve their country. Liberty thrives in the light of day. If you push it into the dark corners of oppression it will fucking die.

Sheehans T-shirt was a protest?

In our world where everyone is preaching tolerance, it's good to know that some people are small enough to be downright petty. Cindy Sheehan wore a tshirt with an antiwar slogan on it. Something like "2242 dead.......How many more?". I wonder how they would have reacted if she had just worn a shirt with the number 2242 on it. I mean can they ban numbers? Numbers seem pretty harmless. There is some kind of law against protesting in the capitol building, but the press can gather around someones house that just lost a son or daughter and hound their parents for weeks on end. What's more harmful? Well both potentialy I guess, so why aren't the press arrested for harassing people? Don't give me that free speech crap. I had a friend who's son had drown in a pond in their front yard. For whatever reason the press found it interesting so they actually camped outside of their house for over a week. Noone could come or go without being harassed by the press. You can imagine the pain and stress a week like that causes, not to mention you as a family need that private time to grieve and morn the loss. I think it's criminal what happened to them. But all Cindy did was wear a T-shirt. I could understand if it had an incendiary slogan on it like "I hate niggers" or "Bush is an asshole". But it didn't. It could have caused a disruption I guess but if we werent so fuckin nitpicky and petty then she could have worn the shirt and noone would have ever known. But the press in all its freeness would have had to report it because it certainly was a matter of national security and the American public needs to know about the array of antiwar tshirts in Cindy Sheehans woredrobe. It's all crap. Now we have an entire week of anti Sheehan rhetoric comming on the right wing radio circuit. WHOOPIE!!!! I hope Hannity hears the news and gets so upset that he calls Rush Limpdick and they both have strokes right there on the phone. Not enough to kill them. Just enough to deaden that vortex that suffices for their mouth in the front of their faces. In a perfect world that would be the case but I am constantly being reminded at how just imperfect this world is.